function EID = rtsEnviOpen(filename, headername, mask) %opens an ENVI file and returns an ID structure % filename = name of ENVI file % headername = name of ENVI header % FID = structure containing file information % mask = binary image specifying valid spectra %assign the mask variable if(nargin < 3) mask = 1; end %open the file and save the file ID fid = fopen(filename, 'r'); %open the ENVI header file header = rtsEnviLoadHeader(headername); %this is currently only valid for BIP files if(~strcmp(header.interleave, 'bip')) disp('Error: This function only works for BIP interleave files. Load in ENVI and convert.'); end if(header.data_type ~= 4) disp('Error: This function only works for floating-point files.'); end EID = rtsEnviID; EID.fid = fid; EID.header = header; EID.mask = mask; EID.fpos = 0; %EID = struct('fid', fid, 'header', header, 'mask', mask, 'fpos', 0);