flow.h 12 KB
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#pragma once
#include <fstream>									// Required for ofstream, etc.
#include <iomanip>									// Required for setw
#include <iostream>									// Required for cout, cin, etc.
#include <tuple>									// Required for returning multiple values from a function
//#include <vector>
//#include <string>
//#include <stdlib.h>								// Required to remove ambiguous error for cout, cin, etc.

using namespace std;

class flow
	void backupToTxt(unsigned int nL, float **D, char filename[]);
	tuple<int, int> copySrcDesRadLen(char filename[]);
	void copyToArray(int *src, int *dest, float *radii, float *len);
	int getDangleNodes(int datarow, int numNodes, int *row, int *column, int *dangleNodes);
	void inversion(float **a, int n, float **b);
	float determinant(float **a, int n);

	int minor(float **src, float **dest, int row, int col, int order);

/* Function to find the dangle nodes in a network */
// Created by Cherub P. Harder (8/10/2015), U of Houston
// Modified by Cherub P. Harder on 8/12/2015
int flow::getDangleNodes(int datarow, int numNodes, int *column1, int *column2, int *dangleNodes)
	int count = datarow, diff1 = 0, diff2 = 0, numPress = 0, st = 0;

	// Find matching nodes within column2
	for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		for( int y = i+1; y < datarow; y++ )
			if( column2[i] == column2[y] )			// Is there a match?
				st = column2[i];					// Save the matching node
				cout << endl << column2[i] << " = " << column2[y] << endl; // Display the matching nodes
				memmove(column2+i, column2+i+1, (datarow-(i+1)) * sizeof(column2[0])); // Move up the rows
													// taking the places of the rows before them starting
													// with where the matching node is located
				column2[datarow-1] = st;			// Place the matching node at the very end of the array--
													// this is for comparison purpose so that the other match-
													// ing node will be moved as well and then omitted later.
				diff1++;							// Count the matching node

				// Display the updated array (with the matching node moved to the bottommost row)
				cout << "Updated array:" << endl;
				for( int k = 0; k < datarow; k++ )
					cout << column2[k] << endl;

				// Decrement the counters
				// NOTE: The counters need to be decremented because the rows had been moved up, so the same
				// locations need to be read again because they contain different values now after the move.
				i--;								// Decrement i to read the node that took over the place
													// of the matching node. Otherwise, it will be skipped.
				y--;								// Decrement y to read the following node for comparison
				count--;							// The maximum count need to be decremented so that the
													// matching nodes that had been moved will not be read again.
													// However, the maximum count (datarow) for finding a match
													// will not be decremented because the remaining matching
													// node that has not been moved yet needs to be moved and
													// the only way to do that is to match it with its duplicate.
	// Store the nodes that have no duplicates
	// NOTE: This will only save the nodes that have not been moved to the bottom.
	cout << "\ndangleNodes array:" << endl;
	for( int j = 0; j < datarow-diff1; j++ )
		dangleNodes[numPress] = column2[j];
		cout << dangleNodes[j] << endl;				// DELETE!!!
		numPress++;									// Count the non-duplicated node

	// Find if the non-duplicated nodes have a match from column1
	count = datarow-diff1;							// Reinitialize the counter

	for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		for( int j = 0; j < datarow; j++ )
			if( dangleNodes[i] == column1[j] )		// Is there a match?
				st = column1[j];					// Save the matching node
				cout << endl << dangleNodes[i] << " = " << column1[j] << endl; // Display the matching nodes
				memmove(dangleNodes+i, dangleNodes+i+1, (datarow-diff1-(i+1)) * sizeof(dangleNodes[0]));
				dangleNodes[count-1] = st;			// Move the matching node to the bottom of the array
				diff2++;							// Count the matching node

				// Display the updated array
				cout << "Updated dangleNodes array:" << endl;
				for( int k = 0; k < count-1; k++ )
					cout << dangleNodes[k] << endl;

				// Decrement the counters
				numPress--;							// Decrement to the exact number of dangle nodes

	return numPress;								// Number of dangle nodes

// Function to make a backup copy of the contents of a matrix to a .txt file
// Created by Cherub P. Harder (8/10/2015), U of Houston
void flow::backupToTxt(unsigned int nL, float **D, char filename[])
	ofstream output_file(filename);
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nL; i++ )
		for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
			if( j < 3 )
				output_file << D[i][j] << "\t";

				output_file << D[i][j];

		output_file << "\n";

	output_file.close( );

// Function to make separate copies of the source nodes, destination nodes, radii, and lengths
// Created by Cherub P. Harder (8/10/2015), U of Houston
tuple<int, int> flow::copySrcDesRadLen(char filename[])
	int cnt = 0, numElements = 0, numNodes = 0;
	float number = 0.0;
	ofstream srcData("srcCol.txt");					// A .txt file to store the source nodes
	ofstream desData("destCol.txt");				// A .txt file to store the destination nodes
	ofstream radiiData("radii.txt");				// A .txt file to store the radii
	ofstream lenData("lengths.txt");				// A .txt file to store the lengths
	FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");				// Create a variable of type FILE* and open the file using
													// the fopen function and assign the file to the variable
	// Check if the file exists
	if(fp == NULL)									// Alternative: if(!fp)
		printf("Error! File does not exist.\n");
		getchar( );									// Pause
		exit(-1);									// NOTE: Must include stdlib.h.

	// Store data to their respective .txt files
	while(fscanf(fp, "%f", &number) == 1)
		cnt++;										// Increment counter

		// Store to srcCol.txt
		if(cnt == 1)
			srcData << number << endl;

		// Store to destCol.txt
		if(cnt == 2)
			desData << number << endl;

		// Save the current number of nodes
		if(cnt < 3)
			if(number > numNodes)
				numNodes = (int)number;

		// Store to radii.txt
		if(cnt == 3)
			radiiData << number << endl;

		// Store to lengths.txt
		if(cnt == 4)
			lenData << number << endl;

			numElements++;							// Count the elements
			cnt = 0;								// Reset counter

	srcData.close( );
	desData.close( );
	radiiData.close( );
	lenData.close( );

	return make_tuple(numNodes, numElements);		// Return two values

// Function to copy data for .txt files to their respective arrays
// Created by Cherub P. Harder (8/11/2015), U of Houston
void flow::copyToArray(int *src, int *dest, float *radii, float *len)
	int v = 0;
	float tmp = 0, R = 0, L = 0;
	// Store source node values to the array src
	ifstream readSrc("srcCol.txt");

	while( readSrc >> tmp )
		src[v] = (int)tmp;

	readSrc.close( );

	// Store destination node values to the array dest
	v = 0;											// Reset counter
	ifstream readDest("destCol.txt");

	while( readDest >> tmp )
		dest[v] = (int)tmp;

	readDest.close( );

	// Store radius values to the array radii
	v = 0;											// Reset counter
	ifstream readRad("radii.txt");

	while( readRad >> tmp )
		radii[v] = tmp;

	readRad.close( );

	// Store length values to the array len
	v = 0;											// Reset counter
	ifstream readLen("lengths.txt");

	while( readLen >> tmp )
		len[v] = tmp;

	readLen.close( );

// Function to find the inverse of a square matrix
void flow::inversion(float **a, int n, float **b)
	// Get the determinant of A
	float det = (float)(1.0/determinant(a, n));

    // Memory allocation
    float *tmp = new float[(n-1) * (n-1)];
    float **m = new float * [n-1];
    for( int i = 0; i < n-1; i++ )
		m[i] = tmp + ( i * (n-1) );
    for( int j = 0; j < n; j++)
		for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
			// Get the cofactor (matrix) of a(j,i)
            minor(a, m, j, i, n);
//			coFactor(a, 3, b);
            b[i][j] = det * determinant( m, n-1 );
            if( (i+j)%2 == 1 )
                b[i][j] = -b[i][j];
    // Release memory
    // Delete [] minor[0];
    delete [] tmp;
    delete [] m;

// Function to find the determinant of a matrix using recursion
// Contribution by Edward Popko
// Modified by Cherub P. Harder (7/15/2015), U of Houston
// Arguments: a(double **) - pointer to a pointer of an arbitrary square matrix
//			  n(int) - dimension of the square matrix
float flow::determinant(float **a, int n)
	int i, j, j1, j2;								// General loop and matrix subscripts
    float det = 0;									// Initialize determinant
    float **m = NULL;								// Pointer to pointer to implement 2D square array

	// Display contents of matrix C (DELETE!!!)
/*	std::cout << "\nThe updated matrix C:\n";
	for( int j = 0; j < n; ++j )
		std::cerr << "\t";

		for( int k = 0; k < n; ++k )
			std::cerr << left << setw(15) << a[j][k];

		std::cerr << endl;

	getchar();					// DELETE!!!*/

	if(n < 1) { }									// Error condition - should never get here

    else if (n == 1)								// Should never get here
		det = a[0][0];

    else if(n == 2)									// Basic 2x2 sub-matrix determinate definition
	{												// When n == 2, this ends the recursion series
		det = a[0][0] * a[1][1] - a[1][0] * a[0][1];
													// Recursion continues, solve next sub-matrix
    else											// Solve the next minor by building a sub-matrix
		det = 0;									// Initialize determinant of sub-matrix

        for (j1 = 0; j1 < n; j1++)					// For each column in sub-matrix get space for the
		{											// pointer list
			m = (float **) malloc((n-1) * sizeof(float *));

            for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
				m[i] = (float *) malloc((n-1)* sizeof(float));
                       //     i[0][1][2][3]  first malloc
                       //  m -> +  +  +  +   space for 4 pointers
                       //       |  |  |  |          j  second malloc
                       //       |  |  |  +-> _ _ _ [0] pointers to
                       //       |  |  +----> _ _ _ [1] and memory for
                       //       |  +-------> _ a _ [2] 4 doubles
                       //       +----------> _ _ _ [3]
                       //                   a[1][2]
                       // Build sub-matrix with minor elements excluded
			for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
				j2 = 0 ;							// Start at first sum-matrix column position
													// Loop to copy source matrix less one column
                for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
					if (j == j1) continue;			// Do not copy the minor column element
					m[i-1][j2] = a[i][j];			// Copy source element into new sub-matrix
													// i-1 because new sub-matrix is one row
													// (and column) smaller with excluded minors
                    j2++;							// Move to next sub-matrix column position
			det += (float)pow(-1.0, 1.0 + j1 + 1.0) * a[0][j1] * determinant(m, n-1);
													// Sum x raised to y power
													// recursively get determinant of next
													// sub-matrix which is now one
													// row & column smaller

            for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) free(m[i]);	// Free the storage allocated to
													// this minor's set of pointers
            free(m);								// Free the storage for the original
													// pointer to pointer

// Function to calculate the cofactor of element (row, col)
int flow::minor(float **src, float **dest, int row, int col, int order)
	// Indicate which col and row is being copied to dest
    int colCount=0,rowCount=0;
    for(int i = 0; i < order; i++ )
        if( i != row )
            colCount = 0;
            for(int j = 0; j < order; j++ )
                // When j is not the element
                if( j != col )
                    dest[rowCount][colCount] = src[i][j];

    return 1;