lens.h 5.13 KB
#ifndef STIM_LENS_H
#define STIM_LENS_H

#include "scalarwave.h"
#include "../math/bessel.h"
#include "../cuda/cudatools/devices.h"
#include "../visualization/colormap.h"
#include "../math/fft.h"

#include "cufft.h"

#include <cmath>

namespace stim{

	/// Perform a k-space transform of a scalar field (FFT). The given field has a width of x and the calculated momentum space has a
	///		width of kx (in radians).
	/// @param K is a pointer to the output array of all plane waves in the field
	/// @param kx is the width of the frame in momentum space
	/// @param ky is the height of the frame in momentum space
	/// @param E is the field to be transformed
	/// @param x is the width of the field in the spatial domain
	/// @param y is the height of the field in the spatial domain
	/// @param nx is the number of pixels representing the field in the x (and kx) direction
	/// @param ny is the number of pixels representing the field in the y (and ky) direction
	template<typename T>
	void cpu_scalar_to_kspace(stim::complex<T>* K, T& kx, T& ky, stim::complex<T>* E, T x, T y, size_t nx, size_t ny){

		kx = stim::TAU * nx / x;			//calculate the width of the momentum space
		ky = stim::TAU * ny / y;

		stim::complex<T>* dev_FFT;
		HANDLE_ERROR( cudaMalloc(&dev_FFT, sizeof(stim::complex<T>) * nx * ny) );		//allocate space on the CUDA device for the output array

		stim::complex<T>* dev_E;
		HANDLE_ERROR( cudaMalloc(&dev_E, sizeof(stim::complex<T>) * nx * ny) );		//allocate space for the field
		HANDLE_ERROR( cudaMemcpy(dev_E, E, sizeof(stim::complex<T>) * nx * ny, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );	//copy the field to GPU memory

		cufftResult result;
		cufftHandle plan;
		result = cufftPlan2d(&plan, nx, ny, CUFFT_C2C);
		if(result != CUFFT_SUCCESS){
			std::cout<<"Error creating cuFFT plan."<<std::endl;

		result = cufftExecC2C(plan, (cufftComplex*)dev_E, (cufftComplex*)dev_FFT, CUFFT_FORWARD);
		if(result != CUFFT_SUCCESS){
			std::cout<<"Error using cuFFT to perform a forward Fourier transform of the field."<<std::endl;

		stim::complex<T>* fft = (stim::complex<T>*) malloc(sizeof(stim::complex<T>) * nx * ny);
		HANDLE_ERROR( cudaMemcpy(fft, dev_FFT, sizeof(stim::complex<T>) * nx * ny, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) );

		stim::cpu_fftshift(K, fft, nx, ny);

	template<typename T>
	void cpu_scalar_from_kspace(stim::complex<T>* E, T& x, T& y, stim::complex<T>* K, T kx, T ky, size_t nx, size_t ny){

		x = stim::TAU * nx / kx;			//calculate the width of the momentum space
		y = stim::TAU * ny / ky;
		stim::complex<T>* fft = (stim::complex<T>*) malloc(sizeof(stim::complex<T>) * nx * ny);
		stim::cpu_ifftshift(fft, K, nx, ny);

		stim::complex<T>* dev_FFT;
		HANDLE_ERROR( cudaMalloc(&dev_FFT, sizeof(stim::complex<T>) * nx * ny) );		//allocate space on the CUDA device for the output array
		HANDLE_ERROR( cudaMemcpy(dev_FFT, fft, sizeof(stim::complex<T>) * nx * ny, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );	//copy the field to GPU memory

		stim::complex<T>* dev_E;
		HANDLE_ERROR( cudaMalloc(&dev_E, sizeof(stim::complex<T>) * nx * ny) );		//allocate space for the field

		cufftResult result;
		cufftHandle plan;
		result = cufftPlan2d(&plan, nx, ny, CUFFT_C2C);
		if(result != CUFFT_SUCCESS){
			std::cout<<"Error creating cuFFT plan."<<std::endl;

		result = cufftExecC2C(plan, (cufftComplex*)dev_FFT, (cufftComplex*)dev_E, CUFFT_FORWARD);
		if(result != CUFFT_SUCCESS){
			std::cout<<"Error using cuFFT to perform a forward Fourier transform of the field."<<std::endl;

		HANDLE_ERROR( cudaMemcpy(E, dev_E, sizeof(stim::complex<T>) * nx * ny, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) );


	/// Propagate a field slice along its orthogonal direction by a given distance z
	/// @param Enew is the resulting propogated field
	template<typename T>
	void cpu_scalar_propagate(stim::complex<T>* Enew, stim::complex<T>* E, T sx, T sy, T z, T k, size_t nx, size_t ny){
		stim::complex<T>* K = (stim::complex<T>*) malloc( sizeof(stim::complex<T>) * nx * ny );

		T Kx, Ky;											//width and height in k space
		cpu_scalar_to_kspace(K, Kx, Ky, E ,sx, sy, nx, ny);

		T* mag = (T*) malloc( sizeof(T) * nx * ny );
		stim::abs(mag, K, nx * ny);
		stim::cpu2image<float>(mag, "kspace_pre_shift.bmp", nx, ny, stim::cmBrewer);
		size_t kxi, kyi;
		size_t i;
		T kx, kx_sq, ky, ky_sq, k_sq;
		T kz;
		stim::complex<T> shift;
		T min_kx = -Kx / 2;
		T dkx = Kx / (nx);
		T min_ky = -Ky / 2;
		T dky = Ky / (ny);
		for(kyi = 0; kyi < ny; kyi++){						//for each plane wave in the ky direction
			for(kxi = 0; kxi < nx; kxi++){					//for each plane wave in the ky direction
				i = kyi * nx + kxi;

				kx = min_kx + kxi * dkx;					//calculate the position of the current plane wave
				ky = min_ky + kyi * dky;

				kx_sq = kx * kx;
				ky_sq = ky * ky;
				k_sq = k*k;
				if(kx_sq + ky_sq < k_sq){
					kz = sqrt(k*k - kx * kx - ky * ky);			//estimate kz using the Fresnel approximation				
					shift = -exp(stim::complex<T>(0, kz * z));
					K[i] *= shift;
					K[i] = 0;
		stim::abs(mag, K, nx * ny);
		stim::cpu2image<float>(mag, "kspace_post_shift.bmp", nx, ny, stim::cmBrewer);
		cpu_scalar_from_kspace(Enew, sx, sy, K, Kx, Ky, nx, ny);

