complexfield.cuh 3.44 KB

#include "cublas_v2.h"
#include <cuda_runtime.h>

#include "../math/field.cuh"
#include "../math/complex.h"
#include "../math/realfield.cuh"

namespace stim{

template<typename T>
__global__ void gpu_complexfield_mag(T* dest, complex<T>* source, unsigned int r0, unsigned int r1){

	int iu = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
	int iv = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

	//make sure that the thread indices are in-bounds
	if(iu >= r0 || iv >= r1) return;

	//compute the index into the field
	int i = iv*r0 + iu;

	//calculate and store the result
	dest[i] = source[i].abs();

/*This class stores functions for saving images of complex fields
template<typename T, unsigned int D = 1>
class complexfield : public field< stim::complex<T>, D >{
	using field< stim::complex<T>, D >::R;
	using field< stim::complex<T>, D >::X;
	using field< stim::complex<T>, D >::shape;
	using field< stim::complex<T>, D >::cuda_params;



	//find the maximum value of component n
	stim::complex<T> find_max(unsigned int n){
		cublasStatus_t stat;
		cublasHandle_t handle;

		//create a CUBLAS handle
		stat = cublasCreate(&handle);
			std::cout<<"CUBLAS Error: initialization failed"<<std::endl;

		int L = R[0] * R[1];    //compute the number of discrete points in a slice
		int index;				//result of the max operation
		stim::complex<T> result;

		if(sizeof(T) == 8)
			stat = cublasIcamax(handle, L, (const cuComplex*)X[n], 1, &index);
			stat = cublasIzamax(handle, L, (const cuDoubleComplex*)X[n], 1, &index);

		index -= 1;        //adjust for 1-based indexing

		//if there was a GPU error, terminate
			std::cout<<"CUBLAS Error: failure finding maximum value."<<std::endl;

		//retrieve the maximum value for this slice and store it in the maxVal array
		HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(&result, X[n] + index, sizeof(stim::complex<T>), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
		return result;


	enum attribute {magnitude, real, imaginary};

	//constructor (no parameters)
	complexfield() : field<stim::complex<T>, D>(){};

	//constructor (resolution specified)
	complexfield(unsigned int r0, unsigned int r1) : field<stim::complex<T>, D>(r0, r1){};

	//assignment from a field of complex values
	complexfield & operator=(const field< stim::complex<T>, D > rhs){
		field< complex<T>, D >::operator=(rhs);
		return *this;

	//assignment operator (scalar value)
	complexfield & operator= (const complex<T> rhs){

		field< complex<T>, D >::operator=(rhs);
		return *this;

	//assignment operator (vector value)
	complexfield & operator= (const vec< complex<T>, D > rhs){

		field< complex<T>, D >::operator=(rhs);
		return *this;

	complexfield crop(unsigned int width, unsigned int height){

		complexfield<T, D> result;
		result = field< complex<T>, D>::crop(width, height);
		return result;

	void toImage(std::string filename, attribute type = magnitude, unsigned int n=0){

		field<T, 1> rf(R[0], R[1]);

		//get cuda parameters
		dim3 blocks, grids;
		cuda_params(grids, blocks);

		if(type == magnitude){
			gpu_complexfield_mag <<<grids, blocks>>> (rf.ptr(), X[n], R[0], R[1]);
			rf.toImage(filename, n, true);



}	//end namespace rts
