meshgrid.h 1.44 KB

namespace stim{

	/// Create a 2D grid based on a pair of vectors representing the grid spacing (see Matlab)
	/// @param X is an [nx x ny] array that will store the X coordinates for each 2D point
	/// @param Y is an [nx x ny] array that will store the Y coordinates for each 2D point
	/// @param x is an [nx] array that provides the positions of grid points in the x direction
	/// @param nx is the number of grid points in the x direction
	/// @param y is an [ny] array that provides the positions of grid points in the y direction
	/// @param ny is the number of grid points in the y direction
	template<typename T>
	void meshgrid(T* X, T* Y, T* x, size_t nx, T* y, size_t ny){
		size_t xi, yi;												//allocate index variables
		for(yi = 0; yi < ny; yi++){									//iterate through each column
			for(xi = 0; xi < nx; xi++){								//iterate through each row
				X[yi * nx + xi] = x[xi];
				Y[yi * nx + xi] = y[yi];

	/// Creates an array of n equally spaced values in the range [xmin xmax]
	/// @param X is an array of length n that stores the values
	/// @param xmin is the start point of the array
	/// @param xmax is the end point of the array
	/// @param n is the number of points in the array
	template<typename T>
	void linspace(T* X, T xmin, T xmax, size_t n){
		T alpha;
		for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++){
			alpha = (T)i / (T)n;
			X[i] = (1 - alpha) * xmin + alpha * xmax;

