… sampling buffer. There is still a bug with the texture not being sample properly, (i.e. glTranslate, glRotate and glScale operations) resulting in bogus bufferdata.
…on with each function doing a seperate job. Renamed the series of 'sample' methods and changed what they do. The vector arrays are now owned by the spider class, and the previously-named 'sample' functions fill in the arrays with vectors. Update() has been renamed into genTemplate and now maps from the TissueSpace to bufferSpace. Some new comments for the documentation
…y those spectral values corresponding to mask != 0. Syntax is 'hsiproc InputFile OutputFile --sift-mask MaskName'
…ructors and methods. Added two more functions, one for sampling the position, and another sample the scale (still some tweaking needs to be done). Broke up the GL aspect into three functions to make things simpler renamed methods in order to better communicate what they do. Added more comments. Added another constructor to the rect.h class for future use.
Merged the current master with my code in order to submit commits.
…a small step size, lots of extrenuous debugging code that needs to be removed
…ecessary for the class to properly read .jpg files
… one with the lowerst cost. Have not tested beyond the first sample: TO DO, perform the movement along the fiber using the GL commands, glTranslate, glRotate, and glScale
…tion. The cost and gl/cuda/gl ping-pong is fully functional
…tion. The cost and gl/cuda/gl ping-pong is fully functional
…mpiles and runs with no error. There is still an error with the cuda aspect causing squashed impropper images. Encoding of the pixel dimensions is lost and needs to be redone
…mpiles and runs with no error. There is still an error with the cuda aspect causing squashed impropper images