function S = stim_images2matrix(filemask) %This function loads a set of images as a 3D matrix. Color images are %converted to grayscale when loaded, so the resulting matrix is always 3D %with size X x Y x Z, where: % X is the size of the images along the X axis % Y is the size of the images along the Y axis % Z is the number of images % % all images are assumed to be the same size (though they do not have to % be the same file format or number of bits per pixel files = dir(filemask); %figure out the file size I = imread([files(1).folder '/' files(1).name]); X = size(I, 1); Y = size(I, 2); Z = length(files); S = zeros(X, Y, Z, 'uint8'); h = waitbar(0, ['Loading ' num2str(Z) ' images...']); for i = 1:Z I = rgb2gray(imread([files(1).folder '/' files(1).name])); S(:, :, i) = I; waitbar(i/Z, h); end close(h); end