#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include float* print; ///Initialization function, allocates the memory and passes the necessary ///handles from OpenGL and Cuda. ///@param DIM_Y --integer controlling how much memory to allocate. void initArray(int x, int y) { cudaMalloc( (void**) &print, x*y*sizeof(float)); ///temporary } ///Deinit function that frees the memery used and releases the texture resource ///back to OpenGL. void cleanUP() { cudaFree(print); ///temporary } __device__ float templ(int x, int max_x) { if(x < max_x/6 || x > max_x*5/6 || (x > max_x*2/6 && x < max_x*4/6)) { return 1.0; }else{ return 0.0; } } ///Find the difference of the given set of samples and the template ///using cuda acceleration. ///@param stim::cuda::cuda_texture t --stim texture that holds all the references /// to the data. ///@param float* result --a pointer to the memory that stores the result. __global__ //void get_diff (float *result) void get_diff (cudaTextureObject_t texIn, float *print, int dx) { int x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; int y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y; int idx = y*dx+x; // int idx = y*16+x; float valIn = tex2D(texIn, x, y); float templa = templ(x, 32)*255.0; //print[idx] = abs(valIn-templa); ///temporary print[idx] = abs(valIn); //print[idx] = abs(templa); ///temporary } ///Find the difference of the given set of samples and the template ///using cuda acceleration. ///@param stim::cuda::cuda_texture t --stim texture that holds all the references /// to the data. ///@param float* result --a pointer to the memory that stores the result. __global__ //void get_diff (float *result) void get_diff2 (cudaTextureObject_t texIn, float *print, int dx) { int x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; int y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y; int idx = y*dx+x; // int idx = y*16+x; float valIn = tex2D(texIn, x, y); print[idx] = abs(valIn); ///temporary } void test(cudaTextureObject_t tObj, int x, int y, std::string nam) { //Bind the Texture in GL and allow access to cuda. //initialize the return arrays. initArray(x,y); dim3 numBlocks(1, y); dim3 threadsPerBlock(x, 1); int max_threads = stim::maxThreadsPerBlock(); //dim3 threads(max_threads, 1); //dim3 blocks(x / threads.x + 1, y); //dim3 numBlocks(2, 2); //dim3 threadsPerBlock(8, 108); // get_diff <<< blocks, threads >>> (tx.getTexture(), print); get_diff <<< numBlocks, threadsPerBlock >>> (tObj, print, x); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); stringstream name; //for debugging name << nam.c_str(); stim::gpu2image(print, name.str(),x,y,0,255); cleanUP(); } void test(cudaTextureObject_t tObj, int x, int y, std::string nam, int iter) { //Bind the Texture in GL and allow access to cuda. //initialize the return arrays. initArray(x,y); dim3 numBlocks(1, y); dim3 threadsPerBlock(x, 1); int max_threads = stim::maxThreadsPerBlock(); //dim3 threads(max_threads, 1); //dim3 blocks(x / threads.x + 1, y); //dim3 numBlocks(2, 2); //dim3 threadsPerBlock(8, 108); // get_diff <<< blocks, threads >>> (tx.getTexture(), print); get_diff2 <<< numBlocks, threadsPerBlock >>> (tObj, print, x); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); stringstream name; //for debugging name << nam.c_str(); stim::gpu2image(print, name.str(),x,y,0,255); cleanUP(); }