#include "../optics/material.h" #include "../math/complexfield.cuh" #include "../math/constants.h" //#include "../envi/bil.h" #include "cufft.h" #include #include namespace rts{ //this function writes a sinc function to "dest" such that an iFFT produces a slab template __global__ void gpu_mirst1d_layer_fft(complex* dest, complex* ri, T* src, T* zf, T w, unsigned int zR, unsigned int nuR){ //dest = complex field representing the sample //ri = refractive indices for each wavelength //src = intensity of the light source for each wavelength //zf = z position of the slab interface for each wavelength (accounting for optical path length) //w = width of the slab (in pixels) //zR = number of z-axis samples //nuR = number of wavelengths //get the current coordinate in the plane slice int ifz = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int inu = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; //make sure that the thread indices are in-bounds if(inu >= nuR || ifz >= zR) return; int i = inu * zR + ifz; T fz; if(ifz < zR/2) fz = ifz / (T)zR; else fz = -(zR - ifz) / (T)zR; //if the slab starts outside of the simulation domain, just return if(zf[inu] >= zR) return; //fill the array along z with a sinc function representing the Fourier transform of the layer T opl = w * ri[inu].real(); //optical path length //handle the case where the slab goes outside the simulation domain if(zf[inu] + opl >= zR) opl = zR - zf[inu]; if(opl == 0) return; //T l = w * ri[inu].real(); //complex e(0.0, -2 * PI * fz * (zf[inu] + zR/2 - l/2.0)); complex e(0, -2 * rtsPI * fz * (zf[inu] + opl/2)); complex eta = ri[inu] * ri[inu] - 1; //dest[i] = fz;//exp(e) * m[inu] * src[inu] * sin(PI * fz * l) / (PI * fz); if(ifz == 0) dest[i] += opl * exp(e) * eta * src[inu]; else dest[i] += opl * exp(e) * eta * src[inu] * sin(rtsPI * fz * opl) / (rtsPI * fz * opl); } template __global__ void gpu_mirst1d_increment_z(T* zf, complex* ri, T w, unsigned int S){ //zf = current z depth (optical path length) in pixels //ri = refractive index of the material //w = actual width of the layer (in pixels) //compute the index for this thread int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if(i >= S) return; if(ri == NULL) zf[i] += w; else zf[i] += ri[i].real() * w; } //apply the 1D MIRST filter to an existing sample (overwriting the sample) template __global__ void gpu_mirst1d_apply_filter(complex* sampleFFT, T* lambda, T dFz, T inNA, T outNA, unsigned int lambdaR, unsigned int zR, T sigma = 0){ //sampleFFT = the sample in the Fourier domain (will be overwritten) //lambda = list of wavelengths //dFz = delta along the Fz axis in the frequency domain //inNA = NA of the internal obscuration //outNA = NA of the objective //zR = number of pixels along the Fz axis (same as the z-axis) //lambdaR = number of wavelengths //sigma = width of the Gaussian source int ifz = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int inu = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; if(inu >= lambdaR || ifz >= zR) return; //calculate the index into the sample FT int i = inu * zR + ifz; //compute the frequency (and set all negative spatial frequencies to zero) T fz; if(ifz < zR / 2) fz = ifz * dFz; //if the spatial frequency is negative, set it to zero and exit else{ sampleFFT[i] = 0; return; } //compute the frequency in inverse microns T nu = 1/lambda[inu]; //determine the radius of the integration circle T nu_sq = nu * nu; T fz_sq = (fz * fz) / 4; //cut off frequencies above the diffraction limit T r; if(fz_sq < nu_sq) r = sqrt(nu_sq - fz_sq); else r = 0; //account for the optics T Q = 0; if(r > nu * inNA && r < nu * outNA) Q = 1; //account for the source //T sigma = 30.0; T s = exp( - (r*r * sigma*sigma) / 2 ); //T s=1; //compute the final filter T mirst = 0; if(fz != 0) mirst = 2 * rtsPI * r * s * Q * (1/fz); sampleFFT[i] *= mirst; } /*This object performs a 1-dimensional (layered) MIRST simulation */ template class mirst1d{ private: unsigned int Z; //z-axis resolution unsigned int pad; //pixel padding on either side of the sample std::vector< material > matlist; //list of materials std::vector< T > layers; //list of layer thicknesses std::vector< T > lambdas; //list of wavelengths that are being simulated unsigned int S; //number of wavelengths (size of "lambdas") T NA[2]; //numerical aperature (central obscuration and outer diameter) function source_profile; //profile (spectrum) of the source (expressed in inverse centimeters) complexfield scratch; //scratch GPU memory used to build samples, transforms, etc. void fft(int direction = CUFFT_FORWARD){ unsigned padZ = Z + pad; //create cuFFT handles cufftHandle plan; cufftResult result; if(sizeof(T) == 4) result = cufftPlan1d(&plan, padZ, CUFFT_C2C, lambdas.size()); //single precision else result = cufftPlan1d(&plan, padZ, CUFFT_Z2Z, lambdas.size()); //double precision //check for Plan 1D errors if(result != CUFFT_SUCCESS){ std::cout<<"Error creating CUFFT plan for computing the FFT:"<(Z + pad , lambdas.size()); scratch = 0; } //get the list of scattering efficiency (eta) values for a specified layer std::vector< complex > layer_etas(unsigned int l){ std::vector< complex > etas; //fill the list of etas for(unsigned int i=0; i* gpuRi; HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc( (void**)&gpuRi, sizeof(complex) * S)); //allocate memory for the source profile T* gpuSrc; HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc( (void**)&gpuSrc, sizeof(T) * S)); complex ri; T source; //store the refractive index and source profile in a CPU array for(int inu=0; inu), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice )); //save the source profile to the GPU source = source_profile(10000 / lambdas[inu]); HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy( gpuSrc + inu, &source, sizeof(T), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice )); } //create one thread for each pixel of the field slice dim3 gridDim, blockDim; cuda_params(gridDim, blockDim); rts::gpu_mirst1d_layer_fft<<>>(scratch.ptr(), gpuRi, gpuSrc, zf, wpx, paddedZ, S); int linBlock = rts::maxThreadsPerBlock(); //compute the optimal block size int linGrid = S / linBlock + 1; rts::gpu_mirst1d_increment_z <<>>(zf, gpuRi, wpx, S); //free memory HANDLE_ERROR(cudaFree(gpuRi)); HANDLE_ERROR(cudaFree(gpuSrc)); } void build_sample(){ init_scratch(); //initialize the GPU scratch space //build_layer(1); T* zf; HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc(&zf, sizeof(T) * S)); HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemset(zf, 0, sizeof(T) * S)); //render each layer of the sample for(unsigned int l=0; l>>(scratch.ptr(), gpuLambdas, dFz, NA[0], NA[1], S, Zpad); } //crop the image to the sample thickness - keep in mind that sample thickness != optical path length void crop(){ scratch = scratch.crop(Z, S); } //save the scratch field as a binary file void to_binary(std::string filename){ } public: //constructor mirst1d(unsigned int rZ = 100, unsigned int padding = 0){ Z = rZ; pad = padding; NA[0] = 0; NA[1] = 0.8; S = 0; source_profile = 1; } //add a layer, thickness = microns void add_layer(material mat, T thickness){ matlist.push_back(mat); layers.push_back(thickness); } void add_layer(std::string filename, T thickness){ add_layer(material(filename), thickness); } //adds a profile spectrum for the light source void set_source(std::string filename){ source_profile.load(filename); } //adds a block of wavenumbers (cm^-1) to the simulation parameters void add_wavenumbers(unsigned int start, unsigned int stop, unsigned int step){ unsigned int nu = start; while(nu <= stop){ lambdas.push_back((T)10000 / nu); nu += step; } S = lambdas.size(); //increment the number of wavelengths (shorthand for later) } T thickness(){ T t = 0; for(unsigned int l=0; l get_source(){ return source_profile; } void save_sample(std::string filename){ //create a sample and save the magnitude as an image build_sample(); fft(CUFFT_INVERSE); scratch.toImage(filename, rts::complexfield::magnitude); } void save_mirst(std::string filename, bool binary = true){ //apply the MIRST filter to a sample and save the image //build the sample in the Fourier domain build_sample(); //apply the MIRST filter apply_filter(); //apply an inverse FFT to bring the results back into the spatial domain fft(CUFFT_INVERSE); crop(); //save the image if(binary) to_binary(filename); else scratch.toImage(filename, rts::complexfield::magnitude); } std::string str(){ stringstream ss; ss<<"1D MIRST Simulation========================="<