#ifndef STIM_IMAGE_H #define STIM_IMAGE_H #ifdef _WIN32 #undef max #endif #include #include #include //use limits and remove the MIN and MAX macros #include #include #include #include #include namespace stim{ /// This static class provides the STIM interface for loading, saving, and storing 2D images. /// Data is stored in an interleaved (BIP) format (default for saving and loading is RGB). template class image{ T* img; //pointer to the image data (interleaved RGB for color) size_t R[3]; bool interleaved = true; //by default the data is interleaved inline size_t X() const { return R[1]; } inline size_t Y() const { return R[2]; } inline size_t C() const { return R[0]; } void init(){ //initializes all variables, assumes no memory is allocated memset(R, 0, sizeof(size_t) * 3); //set the resolution and number of channels to zero img = NULL; } void unalloc(){ //frees any resources associated with the image if(img) free(img); //if memory has been allocated, free it } void clear(){ //clears all image data unalloc(); //unallocate previous memory init(); //re-initialize the variables } void allocate(){ unalloc(); img = (T*) malloc( sizeof(T) * R[0] * R[1] * R[2] ); //allocate memory if (img == NULL) { std::cout << "stim::image ERROR - failed to allocate memory for image" << std::endl; exit(1); } } void allocate(size_t x, size_t y, size_t c){ //allocate memory based on the resolution R[0] = c; R[1] = x; R[2] = y; //set the resolution allocate(); //allocate memory } inline size_t idx(size_t x, size_t y, size_t c = 0) const { return y * R[0] * R[1] + x * R[0] + c; } /// Returns the value for "white" based on the dynamic range (assumes white is 1.0 for floating point images) T white(){ if (typeid(T) == typeid(double) || typeid(T) == typeid(float)) return (T)1.0; else return std::numeric_limits::max(); } public: size_t bytes() { return size() * sizeof(T); } /// Default constructor - creates an empty image object image(){ init(); } //initialize all variables to zero, don't allocate any memory /// Constructor with a filename - loads the specified file image(std::string filename){ //constructor initialize the image with an image file init(); load(filename); } /// Create a new image from scratch given a number of samples and channels image(size_t x, size_t y = 1, size_t c = 1){ init(); allocate(x, y, c); } /// Create a new image with the data given in 'data' image(T* data, size_t x, size_t y, size_t c = 1){ init(); allocate(x, y, c); memcpy(img, data, bytes()); } /// Copy constructor - duplicates an image object image(const stim::image& I){ init(); allocate(I.X(), I.Y(), I.C()); memcpy(img, I.img, bytes()); } /// Destructor - clear memory ~image(){ free(img); } stim::image& operator=(const stim::image& I){ if(&I == this) //handle self-assignment return *this; init(); allocate(I.X(), I.Y(), I.C()); memcpy(img, I.img, bytes()); return *this; } //determines if a filename represents a valid file format that can be loaded/saved static bool test_filename(std::string f) { stim::filename fname = f; std::string ext = fname.extension(); if (ext == "bmp" || ext == "jpg" || ext == "png" || ext == "pbm" || ext == "tif" ) return true; else return false; } //save a Netpbm file void load_netpbm(std::string filename) { std::ifstream infile(filename.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); //open an output file if (!infile) { std::cout << "Error opening input file in image::load_netpbm()" << std::endl; exit(1); } size_t nc; //allocate space for the number of channels char format[2]; //allocate space to hold the image format tag infile.read(format, 2); //read the image format tag infile.seekg(1, std::ios::cur); //skip the newline character if (format[0] != 'P') { std::cout << "Error in image::load_netpbm() - file format tag is invalid: " << format[0] << format[1] << std::endl; exit(1); } if (format[1] == '5') nc = 1; //get the number of channels from the format flag else if (format[1] == '6') nc = 3; else { std::cout << "Error in image::load_netpbm() - file format tag is invalid: " << format[0] << format[1] << std::endl; exit(1); } unsigned char c; //stores a character while (infile.peek() == '#') { //if the next character indicates the start of a comment while (true) { c = infile.get(); if (c == 0x0A) break; } } std::string sw; //create a string to store the width of the image while(true){ c = infile.get(); //get a single character if (c == ' ') break; //exit if we've encountered a space sw.push_back(c); //push the character on to the string } size_t w = atoi(sw.c_str()); //convert the string into an integer std::string sh; while (true) { c = infile.get(); if (c == 0x0A) break; sh.push_back(c); } while (true) { //skip the maximum value c = infile.get(); if (c == 0x0A) break; } size_t h = atoi(sh.c_str()); //convert the string into an integer allocate(w, h, nc); //allocate space for the image unsigned char* buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(w * h * nc); //create a buffer to store the read data infile.read((char*)buffer, size()); //copy the binary data from the file to the image infile.close(); //close the file for (size_t n = 0; n < size(); n++) img[n] = (T)buffer[n]; //copy the buffer data into the image free(buffer); //free the buffer array } //Copy N data points from source to dest, casting while doing so template void type_copy(S* source, D* dest, size_t N) { if (typeid(S) == typeid(D)) //if both types are the same memcpy(dest, source, N * sizeof(S)); //just use a memcpy for (size_t n = 0; n < N; n++) //otherwise, iterate through each element dest[n] = (D)source[n]; //copy and cast } /// Load an image from a file void load(std::string filename){ //Use CImg to load the file cimg_library::CImg cimg(filename.c_str()); //create a CImg object for the image file set_noninterleaved(cimg.data(), cimg.width(), cimg.height(), cimg.spectrum()); } //save a Netpbm file void save_netpbm(std::string filename) { std::ofstream outfile(filename.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); //open an output file if(!outfile) { std::cout << "Error generating output file in image::save_netpbm()" << std::endl; exit(1); } if (sizeof(T) != 1) { std::cout << "Error in image::save_netpbm() - data type must be 8-bit integer." << std::endl; exit(1); } std::string format; if (channels() == 1) outfile << "P5" << (char)0x0A; //output P5 if the file is grayscale else if (channels() == 3) outfile << "P6" << (char)0x0A; //output P6 if the file is color else { std::cout << "Error in image::save_netpbm() - data must be grayscale or RGB." << std::endl; exit(1); } size_t w = width(); size_t h = height(); outfile << w << " " << h << (char)0x0A; //save the width and height outfile << "255" << (char)0x0A; //output the maximum value outfile.write((const char*)img, size()); //write the binary data outfile.close(); } //save a file void save(std::string filename){ stim::filename file(filename); if (file.extension() == "raw" || file.extension() == "") { std::ofstream outfile(filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary); outfile.write((char*)img, sizeof(T) * R[0] * R[1] * R[2]); outfile.close(); } cimg_library::CImg cimg(R[1], R[2], 1, R[0]); get_noninterleaved(cimg.data()); cimg.save(filename.c_str()); } /// Returns an image cast to the specified format template image convert() { image new_image(R[1], R[2], R[0]); //create a new image with the destination data type size_t ni = R[0] * R[1] * R[2]; //calculate the number of data points in the image double inmax = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); //get the maximum value for the input image double outmax = (std::numeric_limits::max)(); //get the maximum value for the output image for (size_t i = 0; i < ni; i++) { //for each pixel in the image if (img[i] > outmax) new_image(i) = outmax; //if the source pixel is greater than the maximum destination pixel, set the output to maximum else new_image(i) = img[i]; //otherwise, copy the source value and cast it to the destination value } return new_image; } void set_interleaved(T* buffer, size_t width, size_t height, size_t channels){ allocate(width, height, channels); memcpy(img, buffer, bytes()); } //create an image from an interleaved buffer void set_interleaved_rgb(T* buffer, size_t width, size_t height){ set_interleaved(buffer, width, height, 3); } void set_interleaved_bgr(T* buffer, size_t width, size_t height){ allocate(width, height, 3); T value; size_t i; for(size_t c = 0; c < C(); c++){ //copy directly for(size_t y = 0; y < Y(); y++){ for(size_t x = 0; x < X(); x++){ i = y * X() * C() + x * C() + (2-c); value = buffer[i]; img[idx(x, y, c)] = value; } } } } void set_interleaved(T* buffer, size_t width, size_t height){ set_interleaved_rgb(buffer, width, height); } //copies data in the given channel order as a non-interleaved image void set_noninterleaved(T* data, size_t width, size_t height, size_t chan) { allocate(width, height, chan); //for each channel for (size_t y = 0; y < Y(); y++) { for (size_t x = 0; x < X(); x++) { for (size_t c = 0; c < C(); c++) { img[idx(x, y, c)] = data[c * Y() * X() + y * X() + x]; } } } } void get_interleaved_bgr(T* data){ //for each channel T* source; if (C() == 3) { source = img; //if the image has 3 channels, interleave all three } else if (C() == 4) { source = img + X() * Y(); //if the image has 4 channels, skip the alpha channel } else { throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: a BGR image must be 3 or 4 channels"); //throw an error if any other number of channels is provided } for(size_t y = 0; y < Y(); y++){ for(size_t x = 0; x < X(); x++){ for(size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++){ data[y * X() * 3 + x * 3 + (2-c)] = source[y*3*R[1] + x*3 + c]; } } } } void get_interleaved_rgb(T* data){ memcpy(data, img, bytes()); } //copies data in the given channel order as a non-interleaved image void get_noninterleaved(T* data){ //for each channel for(size_t y = 0; y < Y(); y++){ for(size_t x = 0; x < X(); x++){ for(size_t c = 0; c < C(); c++){ data[c * Y() * X() + y * X() + x] = img[idx(x, y, c)]; } } } } /// Return an image representing a specified channel /// @param c is the channel to be returned image channel(size_t c) const { image r(X(), Y(), 1); //create a new image for(size_t x = 0; x < X(); x++){ for(size_t y = 0; y < Y(); y++){ r.img[r.idx(x, y, 0)] = img[idx(x, y, c)]; } } return r; } /// Returns an std::vector containing each channel as a separate image std::vector< image > split() const { std::vector< image > r; //create an image array r.resize(C()); //create images for each channel for (size_t c = 0; c < C(); c++) { //for each channel r[c] = channel(c); //copy the channel image to the array } return r; } /// Merge a series of single-channel images into a multi-channel image void merge(std::vector< image >& list) { size_t x = list[0].width(); //calculate the size of the image size_t y = list[0].height(); allocate(x, y, list.size()); //re-allocate the image for (size_t c = 0; c < list.size(); c++) //for each channel set_channel(list[c].channel(0).data(), c); //insert the channel into the output image } T& operator()(size_t x, size_t y, size_t c = 0){ return img[idx(x, y, c)]; } /// This function returns a pixel reference based on a 1D index into the image T& operator()(size_t i) { return img[i]; } /// Set all elements in the image to a given scalar value /// @param v is the value used to set all values in the image void set_all(T v) { //set all elements of the image to a given value v size_t N = size(); for (size_t n = 0; n < N; n++) img[n] = v; } image operator=(T v){ set_all(v); return *this; } /// invert the image, given a specified maximum value (ex. maxval = 255, I' = 255 - I) /*image invert(T maxval) { image result(width(), height(), channels()); //create a new image size_t N = size(); //get the number of elements in the image for (size_t n = 0; n < N; n++) result.data()[n] = maxval - img[n]; //perform the inversion and save the result to the new image return result; }*/ /// Stretch the contrast of the image such that the minimum and maximum intensity match the given values image stretch(T low, T high) { T maxval = maxv(); T minval = minv(); image result = *this; //create a new image for output if (maxval == minval) { //if the minimum and maximum values are the same, return an image composed of low result = low; return result; } size_t N = size(); //get the number of values in the image T range = maxval - minval; //calculate the current range of the image T desired_range = high - low; //calculate the desired range of the image for (size_t n = 0; n < N; n++) { //for each element in the image result.data()[n] = desired_range * (img[n] - minval) / range + low; } return result; } /// Add a border of width w with the given value around the image /// @param w specifies the total size of the border /// @param T is the pixel value (all channels will be the same) image border(size_t w, T value = 0) { image result(width() + w * 2, height() + w * 2, channels()); //create an output image result = value; //assign the border value to all pixels in the new image for (size_t y = 0; y < height(); y++) { //for each pixel in the original image for (size_t x = 0; x < width(); x++) { size_t n = (y + w) * (width() + w * 2) + x + w; //calculate the index of the corresponding pixel in the result image size_t n0 = idx(x,y); //calculate the index for this pixel in the original image result.data()[n] = img[n0]; // copy the original image to the result image afer the border area } } return result; } /// Adds curcular padding for the specified number of pixels - in this case replicating the boundary pixels image pad_replicate(size_t p) { image result(width() + p * 2, height() + p * 2, channels()); //create an output image result = 0; //result = value; //assign the border value to all pixels in the new image for (size_t y = 0; y < height(); y++) { //for each pixel in the original image for (size_t x = 0; x < width(); x++) { size_t n = (y + p) * (width() + p * 2) + x + p; //calculate the index of the corresponding pixel in the result image size_t n0 = idx(x, y); //calculate the index for this pixel in the original image result.data()[n] = img[n0]; // copy the original image to the result image afer the border area } } size_t l = p; size_t r = p + width() - 1; size_t t = p; size_t b = p + height() - 1; for (size_t y = 0; y < p; y++) for (size_t x = l; x <= r; x++) result(x, y) = result(x, t); //pad the top for (size_t y = b + 1; y < result.height(); y++) for (size_t x = l; x <= r; x++) result(x, y) = result(x, b); //pad the bottom for (size_t y = t; y <= b; y++) for (size_t x = 0; x < l; x++) result(x, y) = result(l, y); //pad the left for (size_t y = t; y <= b; y++) for (size_t x = r+1; x < result.width(); x++) result(x, y) = result(r, y); //pad the right for (size_t y = 0; y < t; y++) for (size_t x = 0; x < l; x++) result(x, y) = result(l, t); //pad the top left for (size_t y = 0; y < t; y++) for (size_t x = r+1; x < result.width(); x++) result(x, y) = result(r, t); //pad the top right for (size_t y = b+1; y < result.height(); y++) for (size_t x = 0; x < l; x++) result(x, y) = result(l, b); //pad the bottom left for (size_t y = b+1; y < result.height(); y++) for (size_t x = r + 1; x < result.width(); x++) result(x, y) = result(r, b); //pad the bottom right return result; } /// Copy the given data to the specified channel /// @param c is the channel number that the data will be copied to /// @param buffer is a pointer to the image to be copied to channel c void set_channel(T* buffer, size_t c){ size_t x, y; for(y = 0; y < Y(); y++){ for(x = 0; x < X(); x++){ img[idx(x, y, c)] = buffer[y * X() + x]; } } } /// Set the specified channel to a constant value /// @param c is the channel number that the data will be copied to /// @param buffer is a pointer to the image to be copied to channel c void set_channel(T val, size_t c) { size_t x, y; for (y = 0; y < Y(); y++) { for (x = 0; x < X(); x++) { img[idx(x, y, c)] = val; } } } size_t channels() const{ return C(); } size_t width() const{ return X(); } size_t height() const{ return Y(); } T* data(){ return img; } //returns the size (number of values) of the image size_t size(){ return C() * X() * Y(); } /// Returns the number of nonzero values size_t nnz(){ size_t N = X() * Y() * C(); size_t nz = 0; for(size_t n = 0; n < N; n++) if(img[n] != 0) nz++; return nz; //return the number of nonzero pixels } //this function returns indices of pixels that have nonzero values std::vector sparse_idx(){ std::vector s; //allocate an array s.resize(nnz()); //allocate space in the array size_t N = size(); //size_t C = channels(); //T* ptr = img.data(); //get a pointer to the image data size_t i = 0; for(size_t n = 0; n < N; n++){ if(img[n] != 0){ s[i] = n; i++; } } return s; //return the index list } /// Returns the maximum pixel value in the image T maxv(){ T max_val = img[0]; //initialize the maximum value to the first one size_t N = size(); //get the number of pixels for (size_t n=0; n max_val){ //if the value is higher than the current max max_val = img[n]; } } return max_val; } /// Returns the maximum pixel value in the image T minv(){ T min_val = img[0]; //initialize the maximum value to the first one size_t N = size(); //get the number of pixels for (size_t n=0; n invert(T white_val){ size_t N = size(); //calculate the total number of values in the image image r(X(), Y(), C()); //allocate space for the resulting image for(size_t n = 0; n < N; n++) r.img[n] = white_val - img[n]; //perform the inversion return r; //return the inverted image } image crop(size_t x0, size_t y0, size_t w, size_t h){ image result(w, h, C()); //create the output cropped image size_t srci; size_t dsti; size_t line_bytes = w * C(); //calculate the number of bytes in a line for (size_t yi = 0; yi < h; yi++) { //for each row in the cropped image srci = (y0 + yi) * X() * C() + x0 * C(); //calculate the source index dsti = yi * w * C(); //calculate the destination index memcpy(&result.img[dsti], &img[srci], line_bytes); //copy the data } return result; } //crop regions given by an array of 1D index values std::vector< image > crop_idx(size_t w, size_t h, std::vector idx) { std::vector< image > result(idx.size()); //create an array of image files to return for (size_t i = 0; i < idx.size(); i++) { //for each specified index point size_t y = idx[i] / X(); //calculate the y coordinate from the 1D index (center of ROI) size_t x = idx[i] - y * X(); //calculate the x coordinate (center of ROI) y -= w / 2; //update x and y values to reflect the lower corner of the ROI x -= h / 2; result[i] = crop(x, y, w, h); //get the cropped image and store it in the result array } return result; } //operator functions image operator+(image rhs) { size_t N = size(); //calculate the total number of values in the image image r(X(), Y(), C()); //allocate space for the resulting image for (size_t n = 0; n < N; n++) r.img[n] = img[n] + rhs.img[n]; //perform the inversion return r; //return the inverted image } image srgb2lab(){ std::cout<<"ERROR stim::image::srgb2lab - function has been broken, re-implement."< convolve2(image mask){ std::cout<<"ERROR stim::image::convolve2 - function has been broken, and shouldn't really be in here."< rotate(float angle, float cx, float cy){ std::cout<<"ERROR stim::image::rotate - function has been broken, and shouldn't really be in here."< operator image() { image r(X(), Y(), C()); //create a new image std::copy(img, img + size(), r.data()); //copy and cast the data return r; //return the new image } }; }; //end namespace stim #endif