/*RTS Complex number class. This class is CUDA compatible, and can therefore be used in CUDA code and on CUDA devices. */ #ifndef RTS_COMPLEX #define RTS_COMPLEX #include "../cuda/callable.h" #include #include #include #include namespace rts { template struct complex { T r, i; //default constructor CUDA_CALLABLE complex() { r = 0; i = 0; } //constructor when given real and imaginary values CUDA_CALLABLE complex(T r, T i = 0) { this->r = r; this->i = i; } //access methods CUDA_CALLABLE T real() { return r; } CUDA_CALLABLE T real(T r_val) { r = r_val; return r_val; } CUDA_CALLABLE T imag() { return i; } CUDA_CALLABLE T imag(T i_val) { i = i_val; return i_val; } //return the current value multiplied by i CUDA_CALLABLE complex imul() { complex result; result.r = -i; result.i = r; return result; } //returns the complex signum (-1, 0, 1) CUDA_CALLABLE int sgn(){ if(r > 0) return 1; else if(r < 0) return -1; else return (0 < i - i < 0); } //ARITHMETIC OPERATORS-------------------- //binary + operator (returns the result of adding two complex values) CUDA_CALLABLE complex operator+ (const complex rhs) const { complex result; result.r = r + rhs.r; result.i = i + rhs.i; return result; } CUDA_CALLABLE complex operator+ (const T rhs) const { complex result; result.r = r + rhs; result.i = i; return result; } //binary - operator (returns the result of adding two complex values) CUDA_CALLABLE complex operator- (const complex rhs) const { complex result; result.r = r - rhs.r; result.i = i - rhs.i; return result; } //binary - operator (returns the result of adding two complex values) CUDA_CALLABLE complex operator- (const T rhs) { complex result; result.r = r - rhs; result.i = i; return result; } //binary MULTIPLICATION operators (returns the result of multiplying complex values) CUDA_CALLABLE complex operator* (const complex rhs) const { complex result; result.r = r * rhs.r - i * rhs.i; result.i = r * rhs.i + i * rhs.r; return result; } CUDA_CALLABLE complex operator* (const T rhs) { return complex(r * rhs, i * rhs); } //binary DIVISION operators (returns the result of dividing complex values) CUDA_CALLABLE complex operator/ (const complex rhs) const { complex result; T denom = rhs.r * rhs.r + rhs.i * rhs.i; result.r = (r * rhs.r + i * rhs.i) / denom; result.i = (- r * rhs.i + i * rhs.r) / denom; return result; } CUDA_CALLABLE complex operator/ (const T rhs) { return complex(r / rhs, i / rhs); } //ASSIGNMENT operators----------------------------------- CUDA_CALLABLE complex & operator=(const complex &rhs) { //check for self-assignment if(this != &rhs) { this->r = rhs.r; this->i = rhs.i; } return *this; } CUDA_CALLABLE complex & operator=(const T &rhs) { this->r = rhs; this->i = 0; return *this; } //arithmetic assignment operators CUDA_CALLABLE complex operator+=(const complex &rhs) { *this = *this + rhs; return *this; } CUDA_CALLABLE complex operator+=(const T &rhs) { *this = *this + rhs; return *this; } CUDA_CALLABLE complex operator-=(const complex &rhs) { *this = *this - rhs; return *this; } CUDA_CALLABLE complex operator-=(const T &rhs) { *this = *this - rhs; return *this; } CUDA_CALLABLE complex operator*=(const complex &rhs) { *this = *this * rhs; return *this; } CUDA_CALLABLE complex operator*=(const T &rhs) { *this = *this * rhs; return *this; } //divide and assign CUDA_CALLABLE complex operator/=(const complex &rhs) { *this = *this / rhs; return *this; } CUDA_CALLABLE complex operator/=(const T &rhs) { *this = *this / rhs; return *this; } //absolute value operator (returns the absolute value of the complex number) CUDA_CALLABLE T abs() { return std::sqrt(r * r + i * i); } CUDA_CALLABLE complex log() { complex result; result.r = (T)std::log(std::sqrt(r * r + i * i)); result.i = (T)std::atan2(i, r); return result; } CUDA_CALLABLE complex exp() { complex result; T e_r = std::exp(r); result.r = e_r * (T)std::cos(i); result.i = e_r * (T)std::sin(i); return result; } /*CUDA_CALLABLE complex pow(int y) { return pow((double)y); }*/ CUDA_CALLABLE complex pow(T y) { complex result; result = log() * y; return result.exp(); } CUDA_CALLABLE complex sqrt() { complex result; //convert to polar coordinates T a = std::sqrt(r*r + i*i); T theta = std::atan2(i, r); //find the square root T a_p = std::sqrt(a); T theta_p = theta/2.0f; //convert back to cartesian coordinates result.r = a_p * std::cos(theta_p); result.i = a_p * std::sin(theta_p); return result; } std::string str() { std::stringstream ss; ss<<"("< rhs) { if(r == rhs.r && i == rhs.i) return true; return false; } CUDA_CALLABLE bool operator==(T rhs) { if(r == rhs && i == 0) return true; return false; } CUDA_CALLABLE bool operator!=(T rhs) { if(r != rhs || i != 0) return true; return false; } //CASTING operators template < typename otherT > operator complex() { complex result((otherT)r, (otherT)i); return result; } template< typename otherT > complex( const complex &rhs) { r = (T)rhs.r; i = (T)rhs.i; } template< typename otherT > complex& operator=(const complex &rhs) { r = (T)rhs.r; i = (T)rhs.i; return *this; } }; } //end RTS namespace //addition template CUDA_CALLABLE static rts::complex operator+(const double a, const rts::complex b) { return rts::complex((T)a + b.r, b.i); } //subtraction with a real value template CUDA_CALLABLE static rts::complex operator-(const double a, const rts::complex b) { return rts::complex((T)a - b.r, -b.i); } //minus sign template CUDA_CALLABLE static rts::complex operator-(const rts::complex &rhs) { return rts::complex(-rhs.r, -rhs.i); } //multiply a T value by a complex value template CUDA_CALLABLE static rts::complex operator*(const double a, const rts::complex b) { return rts::complex((T)a * b.r, (T)a * b.i); } //divide a T value by a complex value template CUDA_CALLABLE static rts::complex operator/(const double a, const rts::complex b) { rts::complex result; T denom = b.r * b.r + b.i * b.i; result.r = ((T)a * b.r) / denom; result.i = -((T)a * b.i) / denom; return result; } template CUDA_CALLABLE static rts::complex pow(rts::complex x, T y) { return x.pow(y); } template CUDA_CALLABLE static rts::complex pow(rts::complex x, int y) { return x.pow(y); } //log function template CUDA_CALLABLE static rts::complex log(rts::complex x) { return x.log(); } //exp function template CUDA_CALLABLE static rts::complex exp(rts::complex x) { return x.exp(); } //sqrt function template CUDA_CALLABLE static rts::complex sqrt(rts::complex x) { return x.sqrt(); } template CUDA_CALLABLE static T abs(rts::complex a) { return a.abs(); } template CUDA_CALLABLE static T real(rts::complex a) { return a.r; } //template CUDA_CALLABLE static float real(float a) { return a; } template CUDA_CALLABLE static T imag(rts::complex a) { return a.i; } //trigonometric functions //template /*CUDA_CALLABLE static rts::complex sinf(const rts::complex x) { rts::complex result; result.r = sinf(x.r) * coshf(x.i); result.i = cosf(x.r) * sinhf(x.i); return result; }*/ template CUDA_CALLABLE rts::complex sin(const rts::complex x) { rts::complex result; result.r = (A)std::sin(x.r) * (A)std::cosh(x.i); result.i = (A)std::cos(x.r) * (A)std::sinh(x.i); return result; } //floating point template //template /*CUDA_CALLABLE static rts::complex cosf(const rts::complex x) { rts::complex result; result.r = cosf(x.r) * coshf(x.i); result.i = -(sinf(x.r) * sinhf(x.i)); return result; }*/ template CUDA_CALLABLE rts::complex cos(const rts::complex x) { rts::complex result; result.r = (A)std::cos(x.r) * (A)std::cosh(x.i); result.i = -((A)std::sin(x.r) * (A)std::sinh(x.i)); return result; } template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, rts::complex x) { os< 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 7 //template using rtsComplex = rts::complex; //#endif #endif