#ifndef STIM_VEC3_H #define STIM_VEC3_H #include #include namespace stim{ /// A class designed to act as a 3D vector with CUDA compatibility template class vec3{ protected: T ptr[3]; public: CUDA_CALLABLE vec3(){} CUDA_CALLABLE vec3(T v){ ptr[0] = ptr[1] = ptr[2] = v; } CUDA_CALLABLE vec3(T x, T y, T z){ ptr[0] = x; ptr[1] = y; ptr[2] = z; } //copy constructor CUDA_CALLABLE vec3( const vec3& other){ ptr[0] = other.ptr[0]; ptr[1] = other.ptr[1]; ptr[2] = other.ptr[2]; } //access an element using an index CUDA_CALLABLE T& operator[](size_t idx){ return ptr[idx]; } CUDA_CALLABLE T* data(){ return ptr; } /// Casting operator. Creates a new vector with a new type U. template< typename U > CUDA_CALLABLE operator vec3(){ vec3 result; result.ptr[0] = (U)ptr[0]; result.ptr[1] = (U)ptr[1]; result.ptr[2] = (U)ptr[2]; return result; } // computes the squared Euclidean length (useful for several operations where only >, =, or < matter) CUDA_CALLABLE T len_sq() const{ return ptr[0] * ptr[0] + ptr[1] * ptr[1] + ptr[2] * ptr[2]; } /// computes the Euclidean length of the vector CUDA_CALLABLE T len() const{ return sqrt(len_sq()); } /// Convert the vector from cartesian to spherical coordinates (x, y, z -> r, theta, phi where theta = [0, 2*pi]) CUDA_CALLABLE vec3 cart2sph() const{ vec3 sph; sph.ptr[0] = len(); sph.ptr[1] = std::atan2(ptr[1], ptr[0]); if(sph.ptr[0] == 0) sph.ptr[2] = 0; else sph.ptr[2] = std::acos(ptr[2] / sph.ptr[0]); return sph; } CUDA_CALLABLE vec3 cart2cyl() const{ vec3 cyl; cyl.ptr[0] = sqrt(pow(ptr[0],2) + pow(ptr[1],2)); cyl.ptr[1] = atan(ptr[1]/ptr[0]); cyl.ptr[2] = ptr[2]; return cyl; } /// Convert the vector from cartesian to spherical coordinates (r, theta, phi -> x, y, z where theta = [0, 2*pi]) CUDA_CALLABLE vec3 sph2cart() const{ vec3 cart; cart.ptr[0] = ptr[0] * std::cos(ptr[1]) * std::sin(ptr[2]); cart.ptr[1] = ptr[0] * std::sin(ptr[1]) * std::sin(ptr[2]); cart.ptr[2] = ptr[0] * std::cos(ptr[2]); return cart; } /// Convert the vector from cylindrical to cart coordinates (r, theta, z -> x, y, z where theta = [0, 2*pi]) CUDA_CALLABLE vec3 cyl2cart() const{ vec3 cart; cart.ptr[0] = ptr[0] * std::cos(ptr[1]); cart.ptr[1] = ptr[0] * std::sin(ptr[1]); cart.ptr[2] = ptr[2]; return cart; } /// Computes the normalized vector (where each coordinate is divided by the L2 norm) CUDA_CALLABLE vec3 norm() const{ vec3 result; T l = len(); //compute the vector length return (*this) / l; } /// Computes the cross product of a 3-dimensional vector CUDA_CALLABLE vec3 cross(const vec3 rhs) const{ vec3 result; result[0] = (ptr[1] * rhs.ptr[2] - ptr[2] * rhs.ptr[1]); result[1] = (ptr[2] * rhs.ptr[0] - ptr[0] * rhs.ptr[2]); result[2] = (ptr[0] * rhs.ptr[1] - ptr[1] * rhs.ptr[0]); return result; } /// Compute the Euclidean inner (dot) product CUDA_CALLABLE T dot(vec3 rhs) const{ return ptr[0] * rhs.ptr[0] + ptr[1] * rhs.ptr[1] + ptr[2] * rhs.ptr[2]; } /// Arithmetic addition operator /// @param rhs is the right-hand-side operator for the addition CUDA_CALLABLE vec3 operator+(vec3 rhs) const{ vec3 result; result.ptr[0] = ptr[0] + rhs[0]; result.ptr[1] = ptr[1] + rhs[1]; result.ptr[2] = ptr[2] + rhs[2]; return result; } /// Arithmetic addition to a scalar /// @param rhs is the right-hand-side operator for the addition CUDA_CALLABLE vec3 operator+(T rhs) const{ vec3 result; result.ptr[0] = ptr[0] + rhs; result.ptr[1] = ptr[1] + rhs; result.ptr[2] = ptr[2] + rhs; return result; } /// Arithmetic subtraction operator /// @param rhs is the right-hand-side operator for the subtraction CUDA_CALLABLE vec3 operator-(vec3 rhs) const{ vec3 result; result.ptr[0] = ptr[0] - rhs[0]; result.ptr[1] = ptr[1] - rhs[1]; result.ptr[2] = ptr[2] - rhs[2]; return result; } /// Arithmetic subtraction to a scalar /// @param rhs is the right-hand-side operator for the addition CUDA_CALLABLE vec3 operator-(T rhs) const{ vec3 result; result.ptr[0] = ptr[0] - rhs; result.ptr[1] = ptr[1] - rhs; result.ptr[2] = ptr[2] - rhs; return result; } /// Arithmetic scalar multiplication operator /// @param rhs is the right-hand-side operator for the subtraction CUDA_CALLABLE vec3 operator*(T rhs) const{ vec3 result; result.ptr[0] = ptr[0] * rhs; result.ptr[1] = ptr[1] * rhs; result.ptr[2] = ptr[2] * rhs; return result; } /// Arithmetic scalar division operator /// @param rhs is the right-hand-side operator for the subtraction CUDA_CALLABLE vec3 operator/(T rhs) const{ return (*this) * ((T)1.0/rhs); } /// Multiplication by a scalar, followed by assignment CUDA_CALLABLE vec3 operator*=(T rhs){ ptr[0] = ptr[0] * rhs; ptr[1] = ptr[1] * rhs; ptr[2] = ptr[2] * rhs; return *this; } /// Addition and assignment CUDA_CALLABLE vec3 operator+=(vec3 rhs){ ptr[0] = ptr[0] + rhs; ptr[1] = ptr[1] + rhs; ptr[2] = ptr[2] + rhs; return *this; } /// Assign a scalar to all values CUDA_CALLABLE vec3 & operator=(T rhs){ ptr[0] = ptr[0] = rhs; ptr[1] = ptr[1] = rhs; ptr[2] = ptr[2] = rhs; return *this; } /// Casting and assignment template CUDA_CALLABLE vec3 & operator=(vec3 rhs){ ptr[0] = (T)rhs.ptr[0]; ptr[1] = (T)rhs.ptr[1]; ptr[2] = (T)rhs.ptr[2]; return *this; } /// Unary minus (returns the negative of the vector) CUDA_CALLABLE vec3 operator-() const{ vec3 result; result.ptr[0] = -ptr[0]; result.ptr[1] = -ptr[1]; result.ptr[2] = -ptr[2]; return result; } //#ifndef __NVCC__ /// Outputs the vector as a string std::string str() const{ std::stringstream ss; const size_t N = 3; ss<<"["; for(size_t i=0; i stim::vec3 operator*(T lhs, stim::vec3 rhs){ return rhs * lhs; } //stream operator template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, stim::vec3 const& rhs){ os<