#include using namespace std; #include "interactivemie.h" #include #include #include #include #include "qtSpectrumDisplay.h" #include "globals.h" #include "rtsGUIConsole.h" #include "PerformanceData.h" #include //#include PerformanceData PD; qtSpectrumDisplay* gpSpectrumDisplay; QGraphicsScene* distortionScene = NULL; QGraphicsView* distortionWindow = NULL; QGraphicsPixmapItem* pixmapItem = NULL; vector > RefSpectrum; vector SimSpectrum; vector EtaK; vector EtaN; int currentSpec = 0; double nuMin = 800; double nuMax = 4000; double dNu = 2; double aMin = 0; double aMax = 1; double scaleI0 = 1.0; double refSlope = 0.0; bool dispRefSpec = true; bool dispSimSpec = true; bool dispSimK = true; bool dispMatK = true; bool dispSimN = true; bool dispMatN = true; double dispScaleK = 1.0; double dispScaleN = 1.0; SpecType dispSimType = AbsorbanceSpecType; bool dispNormalize = false; double dispNormFactor = 1.0; //material parameters double radius = 4.0f; double baseIR = 1.49f; double cA = 1.0; //vector KMaterial; //vector NMaterial; bool applyMaterial = true; vector MaterialList; int currentMaterial = 0; //optical parameters double cNAi = 0.0; double cNAo = 0.6; double oNAi = 0.0; double oNAo = 0.6; OpticsType opticsMode = TransmissionOpticsType; bool pointDetector = false; int objectiveSamples = 200; //fitting parameters double minMSE = 0.00001; int maxFitIter = 20; void TempSimSpectrum() { SpecPair temp; for(int i=800; i<4000; i++) { temp.nu = i; temp.A = sin((double)i/200); SimSpectrum.push_back(temp); } } void UpdateDisplay(){ gpSpectrumDisplay->updateGL(); } void LoadMaterial(string fileNameK, string fileNameN, string materialName) { Material newMaterial; newMaterial.name = materialName; vector KMaterial = LoadSpectrum(fileNameK.c_str()); vector NMaterial = LoadSpectrum(fileNameN.c_str()); //make sure that the sizes are the same if(KMaterial.size() != NMaterial.size()){ cout<<"Error, material properties don't match."< eta; //int j; for(unsigned int i=0; i(NMaterial[i].A, KMaterial[i].A); newMaterial.eta.push_back(eta); } MaterialList.push_back(newMaterial); } void LoadMaterial(string fileNameK, string materialName){ //load the material absorbance vector KMaterial = LoadSpectrum(fileNameK.c_str()); vector NMaterial; //KMaterial = LoadSpectrum("eta_TolueneK.txt"); //compute the real IR using Kramers Kronig //copy the absorbance values into a linear array double* k = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * KMaterial.size()); double* n = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * KMaterial.size()); for(unsigned int i=0; i eta; for(unsigned int i=0; i(NMaterial[i].A, KMaterial[i].A); newMaterial.eta.push_back(eta); } MaterialList.push_back(newMaterial); } void FitDisplay(){ double minA = 99999.0; double maxA = -99999.0; double k, n; if(dispSimSpec) for(unsigned int i=0; i maxA) maxA = SimSpectrum[i].A; } if(dispRefSpec && RefSpectrum.size() > 0) for(unsigned int i=0; i maxA) maxA = RefSpectrum[currentSpec][i].A; } if(dispMatK) for(unsigned int i=0; i maxA) maxA = k; } if(dispSimK) for(unsigned int i=0; i maxA) maxA = k; } if(dispMatN) for(unsigned int i=0; i maxA) maxA = n; } if(dispSimN) for(unsigned int i=0; i maxA) maxA = n; } aMin = minA; aMax = maxA; UpdateDisplay(); } void ChangeAbsorbance(){ //compute the real part of the index of refraction //copy the absorbance values into a linear array int nSamples = MaterialList[currentMaterial].eta.size(); double startNu = MaterialList[currentMaterial].nu.front(); double endNu = MaterialList[currentMaterial].nu.back(); double* k = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * nSamples); double* n = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * nSamples); for(int i=0; i= nuMin && nu <= nuMax){ temp.nu = nu; temp.A = k[i]; EtaK.push_back(temp); //temp.A = NMaterial[i].A; temp.A = n[i]; EtaN.push_back(temp); } } free(k); free(n); } void SetMaterial() { EtaK.clear(); EtaN.clear(); int nSamples = MaterialList[currentMaterial].eta.size(); double nu; SpecPair temp; //initialize the current nuMin and nuMax values nuMin = MaterialList[currentMaterial].nu[0]; nuMax = nuMin; for(int i=0; i= nuMin && nu <= nuMax){ //update the min and max values for display if(nu < nuMin) nuMin = nu; if(nu > nuMax) nuMax = nu; temp.nu = nu; temp.A = MaterialList[currentMaterial].eta[i].imag(); EtaK.push_back(temp); temp.A = MaterialList[currentMaterial].eta[i].real(); EtaN.push_back(temp); } cA = 1.0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //load the default project file (any previous optical settings) LoadState(); //load the default materials LoadMaterial("eta_TolueneK.txt", "eta_TolueneN.txt", "Toluene"); LoadMaterial("kPMMA.txt", "PMMA"); //LoadMaterial("../../../../data/materials/rtsSU8_k.txt", "../../../../data/materials/rtsSU8_n.txt", "SU8"); SetMaterial(); //compute the analytical solution for the Mie scattered spectrum SimulateSpectrum(); QApplication a(argc, argv); //create and position the UI window InteractiveMie w; w.show(); w.move(0, 0); QRect uiFrame = w.frameGeometry(); QRect uiNoFrame = w.geometry(); int frameHeight = uiFrame.height() - uiNoFrame.height(); //activate a console for output RedirectIOToConsole(0, uiFrame.height(), uiFrame.width(), 400); printf("Frame height: %d\n", frameHeight); //set the size and position of the spectrum window int visWinSize = uiFrame.height()/2 - frameHeight; //create the far field window gpSpectrumDisplay = new qtSpectrumDisplay(); gpSpectrumDisplay->resize(visWinSize*2, visWinSize); gpSpectrumDisplay->move(uiFrame.width(), 0); gpSpectrumDisplay->show(); //distortion dialog box distortionDialog = new qtDistortionDialog(); distortionDialog->move(0, 0); //display the distortion map distortionScene = new QGraphicsScene(); distortionWindow = new QGraphicsView(distortionScene); distortionWindow->move(uiFrame.width(), visWinSize); //refresh the UI w.refreshUI(); return a.exec(); }