//OpenCV #include #include "progress_thread.h" extern size_t X, Y, B; //function for training a random forest classifier void train_ann(CvANN_MLP* ann, cv::Mat &trainF, cv::Mat &trainR, std::vector hidden, int iters, double epsilon, bool VERBOSE = false){ //ANN criteria for termination CvTermCriteria criter; criter.max_iter = iters; criter.epsilon = epsilon; criter.type = CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS; //ANN parameters CvANN_MLP_TrainParams params; params.train_method = CvANN_MLP_TrainParams::BACKPROP; params.bp_dw_scale = 0.05f; params.bp_moment_scale = 0.05f; params.term_crit = criter; //termination criteria cv::Mat layers = cv::Mat((int)hidden.size() + 2, 1, CV_32SC1); //create one input layer, one output layer, and n (specified) hidden layers layers.row(0) = cv::Scalar(trainF.cols); //the first layer is based on the number of inputs for(size_t l = 0; l < hidden.size(); l++){ //for each hidden layer layers.row((int)l + 1) = cv::Scalar(hidden[l]); //specify the number of hidden nodes } layers.row((int)hidden.size() + 1) = cv::Scalar(trainR.cols); //the output layer is equal to the number of responses per pixel std::cout<<"Creating an MLP with the structure: "<(0, 0); for(size_t l = 1; l < layers.rows - 1; l++) std::cout<<" "<((int)l, 0); std::cout<<" "<(layers.rows-1, 0)<<" (out)"<create(layers); //create the neural network given the architecture std::cout<<"Training..."<train(trainF, trainR, cv::Mat(), cv::Mat(), params); //call the ANN training algorithm std::cout<<"done..."< test(X, Y, 3); //create a 3-channel (color) image test = 0; for(size_t y = 0; y < Y; y++){ //for each pixel in the image for(size_t x = 0; x < X; x++){ cv::Mat response(3, 1, CV_32FC1); cv::Mat sample = trainF.row((int)(y * X + x)); //load the corresponding value from the training array ann->predict(sample, response); //predict the response for this pixel test(x, y, 0) = (unsigned char)(response.at(0, 0) * 255); //save the response in the color image (make sure to re-scale the values to [0, 255]) test(x, y, 1) = (unsigned char)(response.at(0, 1) * 255); test(x, y, 2) = (unsigned char)(response.at(0, 2) * 255); } } test.save("response.bmp"); //save the response }