2.55 KB

#include "gaussian_blur3.cuh"
#include "gradient3.cuh"
#include "mag3.cuh"
#include "vote3_atomic_aabb.cuh"
#include "update_dir3_aabb.cuh"
#include "local_max3.cuh"
#include <fstream>

void ivote3(float* img, float sigma[], float phi, float d_phi, unsigned int r[],
			int iter, float t, unsigned int conn[], size_t x, size_t y, size_t z){

	size_t bytes = x * y * z * sizeof(float);				// compute the number of bytes in the input data

	float* gpuI0;											//assign memory on gpu for the input data
	cudaMalloc(&gpuI0, bytes);	
	cudaMemcpy(gpuI0, img, bytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);				//copy the image data to the GPU.

	gpu_gaussian_blur3<float>(gpuI0, sigma, x, y, z);							//call the blurring function from the gpu.
	float* gpu_grad;												//assign memory on the gpu for the gradient along the X, y, z.
	cudaMalloc(&gpu_grad, bytes*3);
	gpu_gradient3<float>(gpu_grad, gpuI0, x, y, z);				//call the gradient function from the gpu.
	float* gpu_vote;
	cudaMalloc(&gpu_vote, bytes);

	float cos_phi = cos(phi);
	//call the vote function.
	for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++){
		cudaMemset(gpu_vote, 0, bytes);
		gpu_vote3<float>(gpu_vote, gpu_grad, phi, cos_phi, r, x, y, z);
		if (i == 0) {
			cudaMemcpy(img, gpu_vote, bytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
			std::ofstream fvote("00-vote1_aabb.vol", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary);
			fvote.write((char*)img, bytes);
		if (i == 1) {
			cudaMemcpy(img, gpu_vote, bytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
			std::ofstream fvote("00-vote2_aabb.vol", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary);
			fvote.write((char*)img, bytes);
			gpu_update_dir3<float>(gpu_grad, gpu_vote, phi, cos_phi, r, x, y, z);
		phi = phi - d_phi;
		cos_phi = cos(phi);

	cudaMemcpy(img, gpu_vote, bytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

void lmax(float* out, float* in, float t, unsigned int conn[], size_t x, size_t y, size_t z){
	unsigned int bytes = x * y * z * sizeof(float);


	float* gpuV;					//assign memory on gpu for the input data.
	cudaMalloc(&gpuV, bytes);	

	cudaMemcpy(gpuV, in, bytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);			//copy the image data to the GPU.

	float* gpuOut;
	cudaMalloc(&gpuOut, bytes);

	gpu_local_max3<float>(gpuOut, gpuV, t, conn, x, y, z);				//call the local max function

	cudaMemcpy(out, gpuOut, bytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);				//copy the final result to the cpu.