#include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace stim; //template network* network1; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if(argc < 4){ std::cout<<"Please specify a ground truth and test case"< GT;stim::network T; // load obj files to 3D network class //load the ground truth and test case networks GT.load_obj(argv[1]); T.load_obj(argv[2]); // resample the loaded networks stim::network resampled_GT; stim::network resampled_T; resampled_GT = GT.resample(sigma * resample_rate); resampled_T = T.resample(sigma * resample_rate); // compare ground truth with truth and viceversa float gFPR, gFNR; gFPR = resampled_GT.compare(resampled_T, sigma); gFNR = resampled_T.compare(resampled_GT, sigma); // print false alarms and misses std::cout << "False postive rate is " << gFPR << std::endl; std::cout << "False negative rate is " << gFNR << std::endl; }