import struct import numpy as np import os import math import scipy as sp import scipy.spatial import scipy.signal import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class vertex: def __init__(self, x, y, z, e_out, e_in): self.p = np.array([x, y, z]) self.Eout = e_out self.Ein = e_in class edge: def __init__(self, v0, v1, p): self.v = (v0, v1) self.p = p class linesegment: def __init__(self, p0, p1): self.p = (p0, p1) #return a set of points sampling the line segment at the specified spacing def pointcloud(self, spacing): v = self.p[1] - self.p[0] l = math.sqrt(v[0] ** 2 + v[1] ** 2 + v[2] ** 2) n = int(np.ceil(l / spacing)) if n == 0: return [self.p[0], self.p[1]] pc = [] for i in range(n+1): pc.append(self.p[0] + v * (i/n)) return pc class NWT: def __init__(self, filename): [_, fext] = os.path.splitext(filename) #get the file extension so that we know the file type if fext == ".nwt": #if the file extension is NWT self.load_nwt(filename) #load a NWT file elif fext == ".obj": #if the file extension is OBJ self.load_obj(filename) #load an OBJ file else: #otherwise raise an exception raise ValueError("file type is unsupported as a network") def load_nwt(self, filename): fid = open(filename, "rb") #open a binary file for reading self.header ="utf-8") #load the header self.desc ="utf-8") #load the description nv = struct.unpack("I",[0] #load the number of vertices and edges ne = struct.unpack("I",[0] self.v = [] #create an empty list to store the vertices for _ in range(nv): #iterate across all vertices p = np.fromfile(fid, np.float32, 3) #read the vertex position E = np.fromfile(fid, np.uint32, 2) #read the number of edges e_out = np.fromfile(fid, np.uint32, E[0]) #read the indices of the outgoing edges e_in = np.fromfile(fid, np.uint32, E[1]) #read the indices of the incoming edges v = vertex(p[0], p[1], p[2], e_out, e_in) #create a vertex self.v.append(v) self.e = [] #create an empty array to store the edges for _ in range(ne): #iterate over all edges v = np.fromfile(fid, np.uint32, 2) #load the vertex indices that this edge connects npts = struct.unpack("I",[0] #read the number of points defining this edge pv = np.fromfile(fid, np.float32, 4*npts) #read the array of points p = [(pv[i],pv[i+1]) for i in range(0,npts,2)] #conver the point values to an array of 4-element tuples self.e.append(edge(v[0], v[1], p)) #create and append the edge to the edge list def load_obj(self, filename): fid = open(filename, "r") #open the file for reading vertices = [] #create an array of vertices lines = [] #create an array of lines for line in fid: #for each line in the file elements = line.split(" ") #split it into token elements if elements[0] == "v": #if the element is a vertex c = [float(i) for i in elements[1:]] #get the point coordinates vertices.append(c) #add the coordinates to the vertex list if elements[0] == "l": #if the element is a line idx = [int(i) for i in elements[1:]] #get the indices for the points that make up the line lines.append(idx) #add this line to the line list self.header = "nwtfileformat " #assign a header and description self.desc = "File generated from OBJ" #insert the first and last vertex ID for each line into a set vertex_set = set() #create an empty set for line in lines: #for each line in the list of lines vertex_set.add(line[0]) #add the first and last vertex to the vertex set (this will remove redundancies) vertex_set.add(line[-1]) obj2nwt = dict() #create a new dictionary - will be used to map vertex IDs in the OBJ to IDs in the NWT object #create a mapping between OBJ vertex indices and NWT vertex indices vi = 0 #initialize a vertex counter to zero for si in vertex_set: #for each vertex in the set of vertices obj2nwt[si] = vi #assign the mapping vi = vi + 1 #increment the vertex counter #iterate through each line (edge), assigning them to their starting and ending vertices v_out = [list() for _ in range(len(vertex_set))] #create an array of empty lists storing the inlet and outlet edges for each vertex v_in = [list() for _ in range(len(vertex_set))] self.e = [] #create an empty list storing the NWT vertex IDs for each edge (inlet and outlet) for li in range(len(lines)): #for each line v0 = obj2nwt[lines[li][0]] #get the NWT index for the starting and ending points (vertices) v1 = obj2nwt[lines[li][-1]] v_out[v0].append(li) #add the line index to a list of inlet edges v_in[v1].append(li) #add the line index to a list of outlet edges p = [] #create an emptu array of points used to store point positions in the NWT graph for pi in range(1, len(lines[li]) - 1): #for each point in the line that is not an end point (vertex) p.append(np.array(vertices[lines[li][pi]-1])) #add the coordinates for that point as a tuple into the point list self.e.append(edge(v0, v1, p)) #create an edge, specifying the inlet and outlet vertices and all defining points #for each vertex in the set, create a NWT vertex containing all of the necessary edge information self.v = [] #create an empty list to store the vertices for s in vertex_set: #for each OBJ vertex in the vertex set vi = obj2nwt[s] #calculate the corresponding NWT index self.v.append(vertex(vertices[s-1][0], vertices[s-1][1], vertices[s-1][2], v_out[vi], v_in[vi])) #create a vertex object, consisting of a position and attached edges #return a set of line segments connecting all points in the network def linesegments(self): s = [] #create an empty list of line segments for e in self.e: #for each edge in the graph p0 = self.v[e.v[0]].p #load the first point (from the starting vertex) for p in e.p: #for each point in the edge p1 = np.array([p[0], p[1], p[2]]) #get the second point for the line segment s.append(linesegment(p0, p1)) #append the line segment to the list of line segments p0 = p1 #update the start point for the next segment to the end point of this one p1 = self.v[e.v[1]].p #load the last point (from the ending vertex) s.append(linesegment(p0, p1)) #append the last line segment for this edge to the list return s #return a point cloud sampling the centerline of the network at the given spacing def pointcloud(self, spacing): ls = self.linesegments() pc = [] for l in ls: pc = pc + l.pointcloud(spacing) return pc def gaussian(X, sigma): return np.exp(-0.5 * (X ** 2 / sigma ** 2)) #set the input parameters sigma = 10 GTfile = "04_GT.obj" Tfile = "04_Ta.obj" #tunable constants subdiv = 4 #fraction of sigma used to sample each network shadow = 10 #thickness of the shadow network when displaying geometric results #load the ground truth and test case networks GT = NWT(GTfile) T = NWT(Tfile) #generate point clouds representing both networks P_T = np.array(T.pointcloud(sigma/subdiv)) P_GT = np.array(GT.pointcloud(sigma/subdiv)) #generate KD trees for each network GT_tree = sp.spatial.cKDTree(P_GT) T_tree = sp.spatial.cKDTree(P_T) #query each KD tree to get the corresponding geometric distances [T_dist, _] = GT_tree.query(P_T) [GT_dist, _] = T_tree.query(P_GT) #convert distances to Gaussian metrics T_metric = gaussian(T_dist, sigma) GT_metric = gaussian(GT_dist, sigma) #calculate the TPR and FPR print("FNR = " + str(1 - np.mean(GT_metric))) print("FPR = " + str(1 - np.mean(T_metric))) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.scatter(P_GT[:, 0], P_GT[:, 1], s=sigma*shadow, c="grey") plt.scatter(P_T[:, 0], P_T[:, 1], s=sigma, c=T_metric, cmap = "plasma") plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.scatter(P_T[:, 0], P_T[:, 1], s=sigma*shadow, c="grey") plt.scatter(P_GT[:, 0], P_GT[:, 1], s=sigma, c=GT_metric, cmap = "plasma")