fragRayCast.glsl 1.02 KB
#version 330

uniform vec3 camera;
uniform float stepsize;
uniform vec3 d;
uniform vec3 ray_min;
uniform vec3 ray_max;

vec4 computeColor(vec3 p);

in vec4 gl_TexCoord[1];

out vec4 MyFragColor;

void main(void)
	//vec3 camera = vec3(0.5, 0.5, 1);
	//float stepsize = 0.001;
	vec4 value;
	float scalar;
	//initialize the destinatino color and opacity
	vec4 dst = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	//determine the entry position of the volume
	vec3 p = gl_TexCoord[0].xyz;
	//compute the ray direction
	vec3 direction = p - camera;
	direction = normalize(direction);
	vec3 step = length(direction*(1.0/d))*direction*stepsize;
	//loop for ray traversal
	//for(int i=0; i<400; i++)

		value = computeColor(p);

		vec4 src = value;
		src.rgb = src.rgb*src.a;
		//ray integration
		dst = (1.0 - dst.a)*src + dst;

		//advance the ray position along the ray direction
		p = p + step;
	}while(p.x > ray_min.x && p.y > ray_min.y && p.z > ray_min.z && p.x < ray_max.x && p.y < ray_max.y && p.z < ray_max.z && dst.a < 0.99);
	MyFragColor = dst;