#include "trueeyes.h" #include #include "GLWidget.h" #include "rtsGUIConsole.h" GLWidget* gpRenderWindow; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //create the main application QApplication a(argc, argv); //create the UI window TrueEyes w; w.show(); w.move(0, 0); QRect frame = w.frameGeometry(); //create a console for debugging RedirectIOToConsole(0, frame.height(), frame.width()); //create the render camera VolumeSource camera; camera.Name = "camera"; SourceList.push_back(camera); //create the OpenGL render window gpRenderWindow = new GLWidget(); gpRenderWindow->show(); gpRenderWindow->setGeometry(frame.width(), 0, frame.height(), frame.height()); return a.exec(); cout<<"Removing all volume textures..."<