878 Bytes
function spe2envicamille(filemask, outfile,wavenumberfilename)
filelist = dir(filemask);
%get a list of date numbers
datenums = cell2mat({filelist.datenum});
%sort the file order based on acquisition time
[~, id] = sort(datenums);
%get the number of files
Y = length(id); %size of the image along Y
%load the first file to determine the spectral and X-axis size
temp = readspe(filelist(1).name);
X = size(temp, 1); %size of the image along X
B = size(temp, 2); %number of bands in the image
%create the cube
I = zeros(X, Y, B);
%for each line
for y = 1:Y
%read a SPE file
img = readspe(filelist(id(y)).name);
I(:, y, :) = permute(img, [1 3 2]);
enviSaveRawcamille(single(I), outfile, [outfile '.hdr'],wavenumberfilename);