enviSaveRawcamille.m 2.05 KB
%saves an ENVI file without any manipulation, assumes (X, Y, S)
% enviSaveRaw(M, filename, headername,wavenumber data filename)
function enviSaveRawcamille(M, filename, camilleheader,wavenumberfilename)

%if a header isn't provided, assume it's just the filename
% with '.hdr' added to the end
if nargin == 2
    camilleheader = [filename '.hdr'];
%load the wavenumbers
if nargin == 4
    wn = csvread([wavenumberfilename '.dat']);

%open a file for writing
fid = fopen(filename, 'w');

%write the data to disk
fwrite(fid, M, class(M));

%close the file

%open a header file for writing
fid = fopen(camilleheader, 'w');
fprintf(fid, 'ENVI\n');
fprintf(fid, 'description = {}\n');
fprintf(fid, 'samples = %d\n', size(M, 1));
fprintf(fid, 'lines = %d\n', size(M, 2));
fprintf(fid, 'bands = %d\n', size(M, 3));
fprintf(fid, 'header offset = 0\n');
fprintf(fid, 'file type = ENVI Standard\n');

%get a string representing the matlab data type
matlab_real = isreal(M);

if(isa(M, 'uchar'))
    envi_type = 1;
elseif(isa(M, 'short'))
    envi_type = 2;
elseif(isa(M, 'int'))
    envi_type = 3;
elseif(isa(M, 'single') && matlab_real)
    envi_type = 4;
elseif(isa(M, 'double') && matlab_real)
    envi_type = 5;
elseif(isa(M, 'single') && ~matlab_real)
    envi_type = 6;
elseif(isa(M, 'double') && ~matlab_real)
    envi_type = 9;
elseif(isa(M, 'ushort'))
    envi_type = 12;
elseif(isa(M, 'ulong'))
    envi_type = 13;
elseif(isa(M, 'int64'))
    envi_type = 14;
elseif(isa(M, 'uint64'))
    envi_type = 15;

fprintf(fid, 'data type = %d\n', envi_type);

fprintf(fid, 'interleave = bsq\n');
fprintf(fid, 'sensor type = Unknown\n');
fprintf(fid, 'byte order = 0\n');
fprintf(fid, 'x start = 0\n');
fprintf(fid, 'y start = 0\n');
fprintf(fid, 'wavelength units = Unknown\n');
fprintf(fid, 'z plot titles = {Unknown, Unknown}\n');
fprintf(fid, 'pixel size = {1, 1, units=Meters}\n');

% print the wavelengths for each band
fprintf(fid, 'wavelength = {\n');
for i= 1:size(wn,2)-1
    fprintf(fid, '%8.3f ,\n',wn(i));
fprintf(fid, '%8.3f \n',wn(end));

fprintf(fid, '}');