rts_glRenderToTexture.h 1.14 KB
//#include <gl/gl.h>
#include <vector>
#include "rts_glTextureMap.h"

using namespace std;

class rts_glRenderToTexture
	bool init;

	GLuint fbo;		//framebuffer object
	int width;		//width and height of the framebuffer
	int height;
	vector<rts_glTextureMap> textures;

	rts_glRenderToTexture(){init = false; fbo = 0;}						
	rts_glRenderToTexture(int width, int height){Init(width, height);}

	void Init(int width, int height);	//initialization
	void Clean();

	void AddTexture(GLenum target,
					GLint internalformat = 1, 
					GLenum format = GL_LUMINANCE, 
					GLenum datatype = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
					GLint interpolation = GL_NEAREST);
	void BeginTexture(int texture){textures[texture].BeginTexture();}
	void EndTexture(int texture){textures[texture].EndTexture();}
	rts_glTextureMap GetTexture(int texture){return textures[texture];}

	void BeginRender(int texture);
	void EndRender();

	int Width(){return width;}
	int Height(){return height;}
	void UseMaxViewport(){glViewport(0, 0, width, height);}

