binary.h 3.69 KB
#ifndef RTS_BINARY_H
#define RTS_BINARY_H

#include "../envi/envi.h"
#include "../math/vector.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <sys/stat.h>

namespace rts{

//This class contains a bunch of functions useful for multidimensional binary file access
template< typename T, unsigned int D = 3 >
class binary{

	std::fstream file;		//file stream used for reading and writing
	std::string name;		//file name

	unsigned int R[D];		//resolution
	unsigned int header;	//header size (in bytes)

	//basic initialization
	void init(){
		memset(R, 0, sizeof(unsigned int) * D);		//initialize the resolution to zero
		header = 0;									//initialize the header size to zero

	//returns the file size
	//	reads the file size from disk and returns it (in bytes)
	unsigned int get_file_size(){

		struct stat results;
		if(stat(name.c_str(), &results) == 0)
			return results.st_size;
		else return 0;

	//make sure that the specified file size matches the file size on disk
	//	returns true/false
	bool test_file_size(){
		unsigned int npts = 1;				//initialize the number of data points to 1
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i<D; i++)	//iterate over each dimension
			npts *= R[i];					//compute the total number of data points in the file
		unsigned int datasize = npts * sizeof(T);//multiply the sum by the size of the template parameter

		if(datasize + header == get_file_size()) return true;	//if the byte size matches the file size, we're golden
		else return false;					//otherwise return an error


	//open the file specified in "name" for binary reading and writing
	bool open_file(std::string filename){
		//open the file as binary for reading and writing, std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);

		//if the file is successful
			name = filename;		//set the name
			if(test_file_size())	//test the file size
				return true;
		return false;


	//open a file, given the file name, resolution (as a vector) and header size
	bool open(std::string filename, vec<unsigned int, D> r, unsigned int h = 0){

		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < D; i++)		//set the dimensions of the binary file object
			R[i] = r[i];

		header = h;				//save the header size

		if(!open_file(filename)) return false;	//open the binary file

		return test_file_size();

	//save one band of the file into the memory, and return the pointer
	bool saveZ( T * p, unsigned int page){

		if (page >= R[2]){										//make sure the bank number is right
			std::cout<<"ERROR: page out of range"<<std::endl;
			return false;

		file.seekg(R[1] * R[0] * page * sizeof(T), ios::beg);   //write into memory from the binary file *)p, R[0] * R[1] * sizeof(T));

		return true;

	//save one pixel of the file into the memory, and return the pointer
	bool saveXY(T * p, unsigned x, unsigned y){

		unsigned int i;

		if ( x >= R[0] || y >= R[1]){							//make sure the sample and line number is right
			std::cout<<"ERROR: sample or line out of range"<<std::endl;
			return false;

		file.seekg((x + y * R[0]) * sizeof(T), ios::beg);           //point to the certain sample and line
		for (i = 0; i < R[2]; i++)
		{ *)(p + i), sizeof(T));
			file.seekg((R[1] * R[0] - 1) * sizeof(T), ios::cur);    //go to the next band

		return true;	

	/*bool open(std::string filename, unsigned int X, unsigned int h = 0){
		return open(filename, vec<unsigned int, 1>(X), h);

	bool open(std::string filename, unsigned int X, unsigned int Y, unsigned int h = 0){
		return open(filename, vec<unsigned int, 2>(X, Y), h);

	bool open(std::string filename, unsigned int X, unsigned int Y, unsigned int Z, unsigned int h = 0){
		return open(filename, vec<unsigned int, 3>(X, Y, Z), h);


