gl_aabb.h 818 Bytes
#ifndef STIM_GL_AABB
#define STIM_GL_AABB

#include "aabb.h"
#include "GL/gl.h"

namespace stim{

template <typename T>
class gl_aabb : public aabb<T>{


	//default constructor
	gl_aabb() : stim::aabb<T>(){}

	//constructor takes an AABB
	gl_aabb(stim::aabb<T> b) : stim::aabb<T>(b){}

	/// Specifies vertices of the bounding box using CW winding. Use GL_LINE_LOOP for wireframe or GL_QUADS for a solid.
	void glPointsCW(){

			//front plane (in A[2])
			glVertex3f(A[0], A[1], A[2]);
			glVertex3f(A[0], B[1], A[2]);
			glVertex3f(B[0], B[1], A[2]);
			glVertex3f(B[0], A[1], A[2]);

			//back plane (in B[2])
			glVertex3f(B[0], B[1], B[2]);
			glVertex3f(A[0], B[1], B[2]);
			glVertex3f(A[0], A[1], B[2]);			
			glVertex3f(B[0], A[1], B[2]);

};		//end stim::gl_aabb

};		//end namespace stim
