hsi.h 4.26 KB
#ifndef STIM_HSI_H
#define STIM_HSI_H

#include "../envi/envi_header.h"
#include "../envi/binary.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <utility>

namespace stim{

	The BIL class represents a 3-dimensional binary file stored using band interleaved by line (BIL) image encoding. The binary file is stored
	such that X-Z "frames" are stored sequentially to form an image stack along the y-axis. When accessing the data sequentially on disk,
	the dimensions read, from fastest to slowest, are X, Z, Y.

	This class is optimized for data streaming, and therefore supports extremely large (terabyte-scale) files. Data is loaded from disk
	on request. Functions used to access data are written to support efficient reading.

template <typename T>
class hsi: public binary<T> {

	unsigned char O[3];					//order of dimensions (orientation on disk)
										//[X Y B]: [0 1 2] = bsq, [0 2 1] = bil, [1 2 0] = bip

	std::vector<double> w;		//band wavelengths

	unsigned long long X(){ return R[O[0]]; }
	unsigned long long Y(){ return R[O[1]]; }
	unsigned long long Z(){ return R[O[2]]; }

	/// Initialize axis orders based on common interleave formats
	void init_bsq(){ O[0] = 0; O[1] = 1; O[2] = 2; }
	void init_bil(){ O[0] = 0; O[1] = 2; O[2] = 1; }
	void init_bip(){ O[0] = 1; O[1] = 2; O[2] = 0; }

	/// Calculate the number of masked pixels in a given mask
	unsigned long long nnz(unsigned char* mask){
		unsigned long long XY = X() * Y();							//calculate the total number of pixels in the HSI
		if(mask == NULL) return XY;									//if the mask is null, assume that all of the pixels are masked

		unsigned long long n = 0;									//initialize the number of masked pixels to zero (0)
		for(unsigned long long xy = 0; xy < XY; xy++)				//for each pixel in the HSI
			if(mask[xy]) n++;										//if the mask value is nonzero, increment the number of masked pixels
		return n;													//return the number of masked pixels

	T lerp(double w, T low_v, double low_w, T high_v, double high_w){
		if(low_w == high_w) return low_v;										//if the interval is of zero length, just return one of the bounds
		double alpha = (w - low_w) / (high_w - low_w);							//calculate the interpolation factor
		return (T)((1.0 - alpha) * low_v + alpha * high_v);							//interpolate

	/// Gets the two band indices surrounding a given wavelength
	void band_bounds(double wavelength, unsigned long long& low, unsigned long long& high){
		unsigned long long B = Z();
		for(high = 0; high < B; high++){
			if(w[high] > wavelength) break;
		low = 0;
		if(high > 0)
			low = high-1;

	/// Get the list of band numbers that bound a list of wavelengths
	void band_bounds(std::vector<double> wavelengths, 
					 std::vector<unsigned long long>& low_bands, 
					 std::vector<unsigned long long>& high_bands){

		unsigned long long W = w.size();									//get the number of wavelengths in the list
		low_bands.resize(W);												//pre-allocate space for the band lists

		for(unsigned long long wl = 0; wl < W; wl++){						//for each wavelength
			band_bounds(wavelengths[wl], low_bands[wl], high_bands[wl]);	//find the low and high bands

	/// Returns the interpolated in the given spectrum based on the given wavelength

	/// @param s is the spectrum in main memory of length Z()
	/// @param wavelength is the wavelength value to interpolate out
	T interp_spectrum(T* s, double wavelength){
		unsigned long long low, high;								//indices for the bands surrounding wavelength
		band_bounds(wavelength, low, high);							//get the surrounding band indices

		if(high == w.size()) return s[w.size()-1];					//if the high band is above the wavelength range, return the highest wavelength value
		return lerp(wavelength, s[low], w[low], s[high], w[high]);

	/// Returns the interpolated value corresponding to the given list of wavelengths
	std::vector<T> interp_spectrum(T* s, std::vector<double> wavelengths){

		unsigned long long N = wavelengths.size();						//get the number of wavelength measurements

		std::vector<T> v;												//allocate space for the resulting values
		for(unsigned long long n = 0; n < N; n++){						//for each measurement
			v[n] = interp_spectrum(s, wavelengths[n]);					//interpolate the measurement
		return v;

}		//end namespace STIM
