Commit 1ff9af8582071cbacfc33f9925ec07556bb8e552

Authored by David Mayerich
1 parent e28fe60d

added MATLAB/OCTAVE code

matlab/rtsApplyBrewer.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function result = rtsApplyBrewer(field, minVal, maxVal)
  2 +
  3 +if nargin < 3
  4 + maxVal = max(field(:));
  5 +end
  6 +if nargin < 2
  7 + minVal = min(field(:));
  8 +end
  9 +
  10 +fieldMaskMin = field >= minVal;
  11 +fieldMaskMax = field <= maxVal;
  12 +
  13 +fieldMask = min(fieldMaskMin, fieldMaskMax);
  14 +
  15 +ctrlPts = zeros(11, 3);
  16 +
  17 +ctrlPts(1, :) = [0.192157, 0.211765, 0.584314];
  18 +ctrlPts(2, :) = [0.270588, 0.458824, 0.705882];
  19 +ctrlPts(3, :) = [0.454902, 0.678431, 0.819608];
  20 +ctrlPts(4, :) = [0.670588, 0.85098, 0.913725];
  21 +ctrlPts(5, :) = [0.878431, 0.952941, 0.972549];
  22 +ctrlPts(6, :) = [1, 1, 0.74902];
  23 +ctrlPts(7, :) = [0.996078, 0.878431, 0.564706];
  24 +ctrlPts(8, :) = [0.992157, 0.682353, 0.380392];
  25 +ctrlPts(9, :) = [0.956863, 0.427451, 0.262745];
  26 +ctrlPts(10, :) = [0.843137, 0.188235, 0.152941];
  27 +ctrlPts(11, :) = [0.647059, 0, 0.14902];
  28 +
  29 +%X = 0:1/10:1;
  30 +X = minVal:(maxVal - minVal)/10:maxVal;
  31 +
  32 +R = interp1(X, ctrlPts(:, 1), field);
  33 +G = interp1(X, ctrlPts(:, 2), field);
  34 +B = interp1(X, ctrlPts(:, 3), field);
  35 +
  36 +R = R.* fieldMask;
  37 +G = G.* fieldMask;
  38 +B = B.* fieldMask;
  39 +
  40 +result = cat(ndims(field)+1, R, G, B);
  41 +
matlab/rtsBaselineCorrect.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function R = rtsBaselineCorrect(A, b, dim)
  2 +
  3 +%This function baselines an n-dimensional array given a series of points b
  4 +%B = baseline-corrected data
  5 +%A = raw data
  6 +%b = baseline points in the format [b0 b1 ... bn]
  7 +%dim = dimension along which the baseline correction will occur
  8 +
  9 +
  10 +%allocate space for the sub-component indices
  11 +sz = size(A);
  12 +inds = repmat({1},1,ndims(A));
  13 +
  14 +%allocate space for the result
  15 +R = zeros(size(A));
  16 +
  17 +%for each baseline point
  18 +for bp = 1:length(b) - 1
  19 +
  20 + %extract the data at the first baseline point
  21 + n = b(bp);
  22 + inds = getIndices(A, n, dim);
  23 + BP1 = A(inds{:});
  24 +
  25 + %extract the data at the second baseline point
  26 + n = b(bp+1);
  27 + inds = getIndices(A, n, dim);
  28 + BP2 = A(inds{:});
  29 +
  30 + %for each point in between the baseline points
  31 + for p = b(bp):b(bp+1)
  32 +
  33 + %compute the weighting of the linear function between BP1 and BP2
  34 + a2 = (p - b(bp))/(b(bp+1) - b(bp));
  35 + a1 = 1.0 - a2;
  36 +
  37 + n = p;
  38 + inds = getIndices(A, n, dim);
  39 +
  40 + baseFunc = a1 * BP1 + a2 * BP2;
  41 + R(inds{:}) = A(inds{:}) - baseFunc;
  42 + end
  43 +end
  44 +
  45 +
  46 +function I = getIndices(A, n, dim)
  47 +
  48 +%this function returns indices for all elements in S at
  49 +%point n along dimension dim
  50 +
  51 +sz = size(A);
  52 +I = repmat({1},1,ndims(A));
  53 +
  54 +for d = 1:ndims(A)
  55 + if d ~= dim
  56 + I{d} = 1:sz(d);
  57 + else
  58 + I{d} = n;
  59 + end
  60 +end
  61 +
matlab/rtsClass2Color.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function C = rtsClass2Color(classes, classList, colorList)
  2 +
  3 +C = zeros(length(classes), 3);
  4 +
  5 +for i = 1:length(classes)
  6 +
  7 + for c = 1:length(classList)
  8 +
  9 + if classes(i) == classList(c)
  10 + C(i, :) = colorList(c, :);
  11 + end
  12 +
  13 + end
  14 +
  15 +end
0 \ No newline at end of file 16 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsColorMapField.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function Result = rtsColorMapField(F, range)
  2 +%creates a color map for the field F and returns an array with
  3 +%an additional size-3 color dimension
  4 +
  5 +R = zeros(size(F));
  6 +G = zeros(size(F));
  7 +B = zeros(size(F));
  8 +
  9 +%if no range is specified, estimate it using min and max values
  10 +if nargin == 1
  11 + range(1) = min(F(:));
  12 + range(2) = max(F(:));
  13 +end
  14 +range_size = range(2) - range(1);
  15 +
  16 +num_elements = size(F(:));
  17 +for i =1:num_elements
  18 + if(F(i) > range(1) && F(i) < range(2))
  19 + hue_degrees = (1 - (F(i) - range(1))/range_size)*240;
  20 + HSVval = [hue_degrees 1.0 1.0];
  21 + RGBval = rtsHSVtoRGB(HSVval);
  22 + else
  23 + RGBval = [0 0 F(i)/range(1)];
  24 + end
  25 + R(i) = RGBval(1);
  26 + G(i) = RGBval(2);
  27 + B(i) = RGBval(3);
  28 +end
  29 +Result = cat(ndims(F)+1, R, G, B);
  30 +imshow(Result);
matlab/rtsColorMapRainbow.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function result = rtsColorMapRainbow(field, minVal, maxVal)
  2 +
  3 +if nargin < 3
  4 + maxVal = max(field(:));
  5 +end
  6 +if nargin < 2
  7 + minVal = min(field(:));
  8 +end
  9 +
  10 +fieldMaskMin = field >= minVal;
  11 +fieldMaskMax = field <= maxVal;
  12 +
  13 +fieldMask = fieldMaskMin;%min(fieldMaskMin, fieldMaskMax);
  14 +
  15 +ctrlPts = zeros(3, 3);
  16 +
  17 +ctrlPts(1, :) = [0.0, 0.0, 0.5];
  18 +ctrlPts(2, :) = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0];
  19 +ctrlPts(3, :) = [0.0, 1.0, 1.0];
  20 +ctrlPts(4, :) = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0];
  21 +ctrlPts(5, :) = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0];
  22 +ctrlPts(6, :) = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0];
  23 +ctrlPts(7, :) = [0.5, 0.0, 0.0];
  24 +
  25 +%X = 0:1/10:1;
  26 +X = minVal:(maxVal - minVal)/6:maxVal;
  27 +
  28 +R = interp1(X, ctrlPts(:, 1), field);
  29 +G = interp1(X, ctrlPts(:, 2), field);
  30 +B = interp1(X, ctrlPts(:, 3), field);
  31 +
  32 +%R = R.* fieldMask;
  33 +%G = G.* fieldMask;
  34 +%B = B.* fieldMask;
  35 +
  36 +result = cat(ndims(field)+1, R, G, B);
  37 +
matlab/rtsCropMask.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function new_mask = rtsCropMask(mask, max_pixels)
  2 +
  3 +%convert to logical
  4 +%mask = mask > 0;
  5 +
  6 +if nnz(mask) < max_pixels
  7 + new_mask = mask;
  8 +else
  9 + j = 0;
  10 + for i = 1:length(mask(:))
  11 + if mask(i) > 0
  12 + j = j + 1;
  13 + if j == max_pixels
  14 + last_pixel = i;
  15 + end
  16 + end
  17 + end
  18 + new_mask = zeros(size(mask, 1), size(mask, 2));
  19 + new_mask(1:last_pixel) = mask(1:last_pixel);
  20 +end
  21 +
0 \ No newline at end of file 22 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsEnviClassify.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function C = rtsEnviClassify(B, envi_filename, mask, nFeatures)
  2 +
  3 +% B = TreeBagger class
  4 +% nFeatures = number of features cropped out (0 means use all features)
  5 +
  6 +if nargin < 4
  7 + nFeatures = 0;
  8 +end
  9 +
  10 +
  11 +batchSize = 100000;
  12 +
  13 +
  14 +
  15 +Ns = nnz(mask) %get the number of samples to be classified
  16 +Nb = ceil(Ns / batchSize); %get the number of batches
  17 +
  18 +C(Ns, 1) = char(0);
  19 +
  20 +%open the ENVI file
  21 +envi = rtsEnviOpen(envi_filename, [envi_filename '.hdr'], mask);
  22 +
  23 +for b = 1:Nb
  24 +
  25 + %load a batch
  26 + batch = rtsEnviRead(envi, batchSize);
  27 +
  28 + %crop out the number of features specified (if it is specified)
  29 + if nFeatures ~= 0
  30 + batch = batch(1:nFeatures, :);
  31 + end
  32 +
  33 + %classify the batch
  34 + C( (b-1)*batchSize + 1 : (b-1)*batchSize + size(batch, 2) ) = cell2mat(predict(B, batch'));
  35 +
  36 + disp([num2str( round( b / Nb * 100 ) ) '%']);
  37 +end
  38 +
  39 +rtsEnviClose(envi);
0 \ No newline at end of file 40 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsEnviClose.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function rtsEnviClose(enviFID)
  2 +
  3 +fclose(enviFID.fid);
0 \ No newline at end of file 4 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsEnviID.m 0 → 100644
  1 +classdef rtsEnviID < handle
  2 + properties
  3 + fid
  4 + header
  5 + mask
  6 + fpos
  7 + end
  8 +end
0 \ No newline at end of file 9 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsEnviLoadClasses.m~ 0 → 100644
  1 +function [F, C] = rtsEnviLoadClasses(filenames, classnames, ppc)
  2 +
  3 +Nc = size(filenames, 1);
  4 +
  5 +for c = 1:Nc
  6 + %load the masks
  7 + image = imread(filenames{c});
  8 + mask = image(:, :, 1)' > 0;
  9 +
  10 +
  11 +end
0 \ No newline at end of file 12 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsEnviLoadHeader.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function s = rtsEnviLoadHeader(filename)
  2 +%create a cell array of fields
  3 +s = struct;
  4 +
  5 +fid = fopen(filename, 'r', 'n', 'US-ASCII');
  6 +
  7 +%read the first field and make sure it is "ENVI"
  8 +fname = GetFieldName(fid);
  9 +if strcmp(fname, 'ENVI') == 0
  10 + disp('Not an ENVI header file');
  11 + return;
  12 +end
  13 +
  14 +while feof(fid) == 0
  15 + fname = GetFieldName(fid);
  16 + if feof(fid) == 1
  17 + return;
  18 + end
  19 + [value, valid] = ReadField(fid, fname);
  20 + if valid == 1
  21 + s = setfield(s, fname, value);
  22 + end
  23 +end
  24 +fclose(fid);
  25 +
  26 +function t = GetFieldName(fid)
  27 +string_struct = textscan(fid, '%s', 1, 'Delimiter', '=');
  28 +if feof(fid) == 1
  29 + t = [];
  30 + return;
  31 +end
  32 +t = string_struct{1}{1};
  33 +t = strtrim(t);
  34 +t(t==' ') = '_';
  35 +
  36 +function [v, valid] = ReadField(fid, field_name)
  37 +valid = 1;
  38 +stringFields = {'file_type', 'interleave', 'sensor_type', 'wavelength_units'};
  39 +intFields = {'samples', 'lines', 'bands', 'header_offset', 'data_type', 'byte_order'};
  40 +
  41 +%if the field is "description", read between the brackets
  42 +if strcmp(field_name, 'description') == 1
  43 + textscan(fid, '%[{]', 1);
  44 + string_struct = textscan(fid, '%[^}]', 1, 'Whitespace', '');
  45 + textscan(fid, '%[}]', 1);
  46 + v = string_struct{1}{1};
  47 + v = strtrim(v);
  48 + return;
  49 +end
  50 +if max(strcmp(field_name, intFields)) ~= 0
  51 + v = fscanf(fid, '%d');
  52 + return;
  53 +end
  54 +if max(strcmp(field_name, stringFields)) ~= 0
  55 + string_struct = textscan(fid, '%s', 1, 'Whitespace', '\n');
  56 + v = string_struct{1}{1};
  57 + v = strtrim(v);
  58 + return;
  59 +end
  60 +
  61 +%read and return the wavelength values
  62 +if strcmp(field_name, 'wavelength') == 1
  63 + v = [];
  64 + textscan(fid, '%[{]', 1);
  65 + c = ' ';
  66 + while c ~= '}'
  67 + new = fscanf(fid, '%f');
  68 + v = [v new];
  69 + c = fscanf(fid, '%c', 1);
  70 + end
  71 + return;
  72 +end
  73 +
  74 +%if it doesn't match anything, just read until the end of the line
  75 +%string_struct = textscan(fid, '%s', 1, 'Whitespace', '\n');
  76 +string_struct = textscan(fid, '%s', 1, 'Delimiter', '\n');
  77 +v = '';
  78 +valid = 0;
matlab/rtsEnviLoadImage.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function [image, header] = rtsEnviLoadImage(filename, headername)
  2 +%enter the file name (no .hdr extension)
  3 +
  4 +header_file = headername;
  5 +header = rtsEnviLoadHeader(header_file);
  6 +
  7 +if strcmp(header.interleave, 'bsq') == 1
  8 + image = zeros(header.samples, header.lines, header.bands);
  9 +end
  10 +if strcmp(header.interleave, 'bip') == 1
  11 + image = zeros(header.bands, header.samples, header.lines);
  12 +end
  13 +if strcmp(header.interleave, 'bil') == 1
  14 + image = zeros(header.samples, header.bands, header.lines);
  15 +end
  16 +
  17 +
  18 +file_bytes = header.samples*header.lines*header.bands;
  19 +%check to make sure there is enough memory available
  20 +if ispc
  21 + [~, sys] = memory;
  22 + if sys.PhysicalMemory.Available < file_bytes*header.data_type && strcmp(header.interleave, 'bsq') == 0
  23 + strResponse = input('The data set will require virtual memory for permutation. Continue? (y/n) ', 's');
  24 + if strcmp(strResponse, 'n') == 1
  25 + return;
  26 + end
  27 + end
  28 +else
  29 + disp('Sorry, I can''t check available memory for this OS. Keep your fingers crossed!');
  30 +end
  31 +
  32 +fid = fopen(filename);
  33 +%skip the header - start reading header_offset bytes from the beginning
  34 +fseek(fid, header.header_offset, 'bof');
  35 +
  36 +%read the data
  37 +image(:) = fread(fid, file_bytes, 'float32');
  38 +
  39 +if strcmp(header.interleave, 'bip') == 1
  40 + image = permute(image, [2 3 1]);
  41 +end
  42 +if strcmp(header.interleave, 'bil') == 1
  43 + image = permute(image, [1 3 2]);
  44 +end
0 \ No newline at end of file 45 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsEnviLoadTraining.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function [F, C] = rtsEnviLoadTraining(filenames, classnames, binfile, ppc)
  2 +
  3 +Nc = length(filenames); %calculate the number of classes
  4 +
  5 +if nargin < 3
  6 + ppc = 0;
  7 +end
  8 +
  9 +%---------Load the Masks-----------
  10 +%first, get the total number of pixels
  11 +Ns = 0;
  12 +for c = 1:Nc
  13 + %load the mask
  14 + image = imread(filenames{c});
  15 +
  16 + if c == 1
  17 + mask = boolean(zeros(size(image, 2), size(image, 1), Nc));
  18 + end
  19 +
  20 + if ppc ~= 0
  21 + mask(:, :, c) = rtsRandomizeMask(image(:, :, 1)' > 0, ppc);
  22 + else
  23 + mask(:, :, c) = image(:, :, 1)' > 0;
  24 + end
  25 +
  26 +end
  27 +
  28 +%calculate the number of samples
  29 +Ns = Ns + nnz(mask);
  30 +
  31 +%-----------Load the Training Data-------------
  32 +disp(['loading ' num2str(Ns) ' samples']);
  33 +ci = 1;
  34 +for c = 1:Nc
  35 +
  36 + disp(['loading class ' classnames(c) '...']);
  37 + batch = nnz(mask(:, :, c));
  38 + %create an ENVI file object
  39 + envi = rtsEnviOpen(binfile, [binfile '.hdr'], mask(:, :, c));
  40 +
  41 + if c == 1
  42 + F = zeros(Ns, envi.header.bands);
  43 + C(Ns, 1) = char(0);
  44 + end
  45 +
  46 + %read a bunch of spectra
  47 + F(ci:ci+batch - 1, :) = rtsEnviRead(envi, batch)';
  48 + C(ci:ci+batch - 1, 1) = repmat([classnames(c)], [batch 1]);
  49 +
  50 + %update the current index
  51 + ci = ci+batch;
  52 +
  53 + %close the ENVI file
  54 + rtsEnviClose(envi);
  55 +
  56 + disp('done');
  57 +end
0 \ No newline at end of file 58 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsEnviOpen.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function EID = rtsEnviOpen(filename, headername, mask)
  2 +
  3 +%opens an ENVI file and returns an ID structure
  4 +% filename = name of ENVI file
  5 +% headername = name of ENVI header
  6 +% FID = structure containing file information
  7 +% mask = binary image specifying valid spectra
  8 +
  9 +%assign the mask variable
  10 +if(nargin < 3)
  11 + mask = 1;
  12 +end
  13 +
  14 +%open the file and save the file ID
  15 +fid = fopen(filename, 'r');
  16 +
  17 +%open the ENVI header file
  18 +header = rtsEnviLoadHeader(headername);
  19 +
  20 +%this is currently only valid for BIP files
  21 +if(~strcmp(header.interleave, 'bip'))
  22 + disp('Error: This function only works for BIP interleave files. Load in ENVI and convert.');
  23 +end
  24 +if(header.data_type ~= 4)
  25 + disp('Error: This function only works for floating-point files.');
  26 +end
  27 +
  28 +EID = rtsEnviID;
  29 +EID.fid = fid;
  30 +EID.header = header;
  31 +EID.mask = mask;
  32 +EID.fpos = 0;
  33 +
  34 +%EID = struct('fid', fid, 'header', header, 'mask', mask, 'fpos', 0);
  35 +
matlab/rtsEnviRandomForest2C_apply.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function P = rtsEnviRandomForest2C_apply(RF, EnviFileName, EnviHeaderName, TissueMask, reference)
  2 +
  3 +%Applies a 2-class random forest classifier to the given image. Only
  4 +%pixels specified in TissueMask are classified. The estimated rule data is
  5 +%returned as an image sequence.
  6 +
  7 +%load the tissue mask
  8 +maskImage = imread(TissueMask);
  9 +maskBinary = (maskImage(:, :, 1) > 0)';
  10 +
  11 +nPixels = nnz(maskBinary);
  12 +disp(['Number of pixels: ' num2str(nPixels)]);
  13 +
  14 +
  15 +%load the data
  16 +disp(['Loading Features: ' EnviFileName]);
  17 +tLoadTime = tic;
  18 +fid = rtsEnviOpen(EnviFileName, EnviHeaderName, maskBinary);
  19 +F = rtsEnviRead(fid, nPixels);
  20 +rtsEnviClose(fid);
  21 +disp(['Time: ' num2str(toc(tLoadTime)) 's']);
  22 +
  23 +%transpose
  24 +F = F';
  25 +
  26 +%apply the reference
  27 +if nargin == 5
  28 + Fnorm = repmat(F(:, reference), 1, size(F, 2));
  29 + F = F./Fnorm;
  30 + F(:, reference) = [];
  31 +end
  32 +
  33 +%classify the data
  34 +disp('Classifying...');
  35 +tClassTime = tic;
  36 +T = predict(RF, F);
  37 +disp(['Time: ' num2str(toc(tClassTime)) 's']);
  38 +%Cl = Cpost > threshold;
  39 +
  40 +%reconstruct the image from the mask
  41 +P = rtsMaskReconstruct(T', maskBinary, -1);
0 \ No newline at end of file 42 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsEnviRandomForest2C_train.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function RF = rtsEnviRandomForest2C_train(EnviFileName, EnviHeaderName, RoiImages, reference)
  2 +
  3 +%Creates a 2-class random forest classifier for an Envi BIP file using the
  4 +%provided ROI images. The resulting classifier uses regression to map
  5 +%class A to 1 and class B to 0. This allows the creation of ROC curves.
  6 +%
  7 +% EnviFilename - Name of an ENVI BIP file
  8 +% RoiImages - Cell array containing names of ROI images (masks)
  9 +
  10 +%default parameters
  11 +maxPixels = 200000;
  12 +threshold = 0.5;
  13 +nTrees = 100;
  14 +nThreads = 8;
  15 +%trainPixels = 200000;
  16 +
  17 +%determine the number of classes
  18 +nClasses = length(RoiImages);
  19 +%make sure that there are only two classes
  20 +if nClasses > 2
  21 + disp('This classifier only supports 2 classes.');
  22 + return;
  23 +end
  24 +
  25 +%for each class, load the training data
  26 +T = [];
  27 +F = [];
  28 +for c = 1:nClasses
  29 +
  30 + %load the class mask
  31 + maskImage = imread(RoiImages{c});
  32 + maskBinary = (maskImage(:, :, 1) > 0)';
  33 +
  34 + disp('------------------------------------------------------');
  35 + %load epithelium spectra
  36 + disp(['Loading Training Class ' num2str(c) ' pixels: ' EnviFileName]);
  37 + tLoadTime = tic;
  38 + fid = rtsEnviOpen(EnviFileName, EnviHeaderName, maskBinary);
  39 + Fc = rtsEnviRead(fid, maxPixels);
  40 + rtsEnviClose(fid);
  41 +
  42 + if c == 1
  43 + Tc = ones(size(Fc, 2), 1);
  44 + else
  45 + Tc = zeros(size(Fc, 2), 1);
  46 + end
  47 +
  48 + disp(['Time: ' num2str(toc(tLoadTime)) 's']);
  49 +
  50 + %add features and targets to the final vectors
  51 + T = [T; Tc];
  52 + F = [F; Fc'];
  53 +end
  54 +
  55 +%apply the reference
  56 +if nargin == 4
  57 + Fnorm = repmat(F(:, reference), 1, size(F, 2));
  58 + F = F./Fnorm;
  59 + F(:, reference) = [];
  60 +end
  61 +
  62 +%parallelize if specified
  63 +if nThreads > 1
  64 + matlabpool('open', nThreads);
  65 + paraoptions = statset('UseParallel', 'always');
  66 +end
  67 +
  68 +%train the classifier
  69 +disp('Creating a Random Forest classifier...');
  70 +tTrainTime = tic;
  71 +RF = TreeBagger(nTrees, F, T, 'method', 'regression', 'Options',paraoptions);
  72 +disp(['Time: ' num2str(toc(tTrainTime)) 's']);
  73 +
  74 +if nThreads > 1
  75 + matlabpool close
  76 +end
0 \ No newline at end of file 77 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsEnviRandomForest2C_validate.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function [Croc, Cauc] = rtsEnviRandomForest2C_validate(RF, EnviFileName, EnviHeaderName, RoiImages, reference)
  2 +
  3 +%Validates a 2-class random forest classifier, creating ROC curves.
  4 +
  5 +%parameters
  6 +maxPixels = 200000;
  7 +
  8 +%determine the number of classes
  9 +nClasses = length(RoiImages);
  10 +%make sure that there are only two classes
  11 +if nClasses > 2
  12 + disp('This classifier only supports 2 classes.');
  13 + return;
  14 +end
  15 +
  16 +%for each class, load the validation data
  17 +T = [];
  18 +F = [];
  19 +for c = 1:nClasses
  20 +
  21 + %load the class mask
  22 + maskImage = imread(RoiImages{c});
  23 + maskBinary = (maskImage(:, :, 1) > 0)';
  24 +
  25 + disp('------------------------------------------------------');
  26 + %load epithelium spectra
  27 + disp(['Loading Validation Class ' num2str(c) ' pixels: ' EnviFileName]);
  28 + tLoadTime = tic;
  29 + fid = rtsEnviOpen(EnviFileName, EnviHeaderName, maskBinary);
  30 + Fc = rtsEnviRead(fid, maxPixels);
  31 + rtsEnviClose(fid);
  32 +
  33 + if c == 1
  34 + Tc = ones(size(Fc, 2), 1);
  35 + else
  36 + Tc = zeros(size(Fc, 2), 1);
  37 + end
  38 +
  39 + disp(['Time: ' num2str(toc(tLoadTime)) 's']);
  40 +
  41 + %add features and targets to the final vectors
  42 + T = [T; Tc];
  43 + F = [F; Fc'];
  44 +end
  45 +
  46 +%apply the reference
  47 +if nargin == 5
  48 + Fnorm = repmat(F(:, reference), 1, size(F, 2));
  49 + F = F./Fnorm;
  50 + F(:, reference) = [];
  51 +end
  52 +
  53 +%classify the data (get the estimated posterior probability)
  54 +disp('Validating...');
  55 +tClassTime = tic;
  56 +Tpost = predict(RF, F);
  57 +disp(['Time: ' num2str(toc(tClassTime)) 's']);
  58 +
  59 +%calculate and display the ROC curve
  60 +disp('Calculating ROC...');
  61 +tRocTime = tic;
  62 +[Croc, Cauc, threshList] = rtsROC(Tpost, T);
  63 +disp(['Time: ' num2str(toc(tRocTime)) 's']);
  64 +disp(['AUC = ' num2str(Cauc)]);
  65 +plot(Croc(:, 1), Croc(:, 2));
0 \ No newline at end of file 66 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsEnviRead.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function S = rtsEnviRead(fid, batchSize)
  2 +
  3 +%This function reads a batch of spectra from the given ENVI file ID
  4 +% fid = ENVI file ID created using rtsEnviOpen
  5 +% batchSize = number of spectra to read
  6 +
  7 +%if there is no mask, just load each spectrum in order
  8 +if(fid.mask == 1)
  9 +
  10 + %compute the new batch size in case we are near the eof
  11 + nSpectra = fid.header.samples * fid.header.lines;
  12 + remainingSpectra = nSpectra - fid.fpos;
  13 +
  14 + if(batchSize > remainingSpectra)
  15 + batchSize = remainingSpectra;
  16 + end
  17 +
  18 + S = fread(fid.fid, [fid.header.bands batchSize], '*float32');
  19 +
  20 + %increment the fid counter
  21 + fid.fpos = fid.fpos + batchSize;
  22 +
  23 +%otherwise only load valid spectra
  24 +else
  25 +
  26 + %compute the new batch size in case we are near the eof
  27 + if(fid.fpos == 0)
  28 + remainingSpectra = nnz(fid.mask);
  29 + else
  30 + nSpectra = nnz(fid.mask);
  31 + maskRead = fid.mask(1:fid.fpos+1);
  32 + remainingSpectra = nSpectra - nnz(maskRead);
  33 + end
  34 +
  35 + if(batchSize > remainingSpectra)
  36 + batchSize = remainingSpectra;
  37 + end
  38 +
  39 + %allocate space for the spectra
  40 + S = zeros(fid.header.bands, batchSize);
  41 +
  42 + %for each spectrum in the batch
  43 + for s = 1:batchSize
  44 +
  45 + %while the current spectrum is invalid
  46 + skip = 0;
  47 + while (~fid.mask(fid.fpos + 1))
  48 + %read the invalid spectrum
  49 + %invalid = fread(fid.fid, [fid.header.bands 1], '*float32');
  50 + skip = skip + 1;
  51 +
  52 + %increment the file position
  53 + fid.fpos = fid.fpos + 1;
  54 + end
  55 + fseek(fid.fid, skip * fid.header.bands * 4, 'cof');
  56 +
  57 + test = fread(fid.fid, [fid.header.bands 1], '*float32');
  58 + if size(test) ~= size(S(:, s))
  59 + size(test)
  60 + size(S(:, s))
  61 + end
  62 + S(:, s) = test;
  63 + fid.fpos = fid.fpos + 1;
  64 +
  65 + end
  66 +
  67 +end
  68 +
matlab/rtsEnviSaveImage.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function rtsEnviSaveImage(S, fileName, headerName, W)
  2 +
  3 +% S = 3D hyperspectral data
  4 +% W = list of wavelength values
  5 +
  6 +%save the image
  7 +rtsSaveRAW(S, fileName, 'float32', 'l');
  8 +
  9 +%create the header file
  10 +headerFile = [fileName '.hdr'];
  11 +if nargin == 3
  12 + headerFile = headerName;
  13 +end
  14 +
  15 +fid = fopen(headerFile, 'w');
  16 +
  17 +%write the header and description
  18 +fprintf(fid, 'ENVI\n');
  19 +fprintf(fid, 'description = {\n');
  20 +fprintf(fid, ' File Saved using Matlab.}\n');
  21 +fprintf(fid, 'samples = %d\n', size(S, 1));
  22 +fprintf(fid, 'lines = %d\n', size(S, 2));
  23 +fprintf(fid, 'bands = %d\n', size(S, 3));
  24 +fprintf(fid, 'header offset = 0\n');
  25 +fprintf(fid, 'file type = ENVI Standard\n');
  26 +fprintf(fid, 'data type = 4\n');
  27 +fprintf(fid, 'interleave = bsq\n');
  28 +fprintf(fid, 'sensor type = Unknown\n');
  29 +fprintf(fid, 'byte order = 0\n');
  30 +
  31 +if nargin == 4
  32 + %output wavelength units
  33 + fprintf(fid, 'wavelength = {\n');
  34 + for i = 1:length(W)-1
  35 + fprintf(fid, ' %f,\n', W(i));
  36 + end
  37 + fprintf(fid, ' %f\n', W(length(W)));
  38 + fprintf(fid, '}\n');
  39 +end
  40 +
  41 +fclose(fid);
matlab/rtsGaussianBlurND.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function R = rtsGaussianBlurND(input, sigma)
  2 +%This function convolves an ND array with a gaussian kernel specified by
  3 +%sigma. This takes advantage of the separability of the kernel and is
  4 +%therefore very fast.
  5 +
  6 +%disp('begin***********************************************');
  7 +
  8 +%get the number of dimensions for the convolution
  9 +dim = ndims(input);
  10 +
  11 +%initialize the result to the source
  12 +R = input;
  13 +
  14 +
  15 +for d=1:dim
  16 + %if the dimension is greater than 1 and the sigma not a dirac
  17 + if size(input, d) > 1 && sigma(d) > 0
  18 + %create a 1D kernel
  19 + kernelshape = ones(1, dim);
  20 + kernelshape(d) = sigma(d)*6;
  21 + kernel = zeros(kernelshape);
  22 + kernel(:) = ndgauss(sigma(d)*6, sigma(d));
  23 +
  24 + %perform the convolution
  25 + R = convn(R, kernel, 'same');
  26 + end
  27 +end
  28 +
  29 +
  30 +
0 \ No newline at end of file 31 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsHSVtoRGB.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function RGBval = rtsHSVtoRGB(HSVval)
  2 +
  3 +H = HSVval(1);
  4 +S = HSVval(2);
  5 +V = HSVval(3);
  6 +
  7 +C = V*S;
  8 +Hprime = H/60;
  9 +X = C*(1 - abs(mod(Hprime, 2) - 1));
  10 +
  11 +RGBval = [0 0 0];
  12 +if Hprime >= 0 && Hprime < 1
  13 + RGBval = [C X 0];
  14 +end
  15 +if Hprime >= 1 && Hprime < 2
  16 + RGBval = [X C 0];
  17 +end
  18 +if Hprime >= 2 && Hprime < 3
  19 + RGBval = [0 C X];
  20 +end
  21 +if Hprime >= 3 && Hprime < 4
  22 + RGBval = [0 X C];
  23 +end
  24 +if Hprime >= 4 && Hprime < 5
  25 + RGBval = [X 0 C];
  26 +end
  27 +if Hprime >= 5 && Hprime < 6
  28 + RGBval = [C 0 X];
  29 +end
0 \ No newline at end of file 30 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsInt2Str.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function result = rtsInt2Str(num, digits)
  2 +
  3 +
  4 +%get the number of digits in the current number
  5 +temp = num;
  6 +current_digits = 0;
  7 +while temp >= 1
  8 + temp = temp/10;
  9 + current_digits = current_digits+1;
  10 +end
  11 +
  12 +if current_digits > digits
  13 + result = int2str(num);
  14 +else
  15 + result = [];
  16 + for i = 1:digits - current_digits
  17 + result = [result '0'];
  18 + end
  19 + result = [result int2str(num)];
  20 +end
0 \ No newline at end of file 21 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsLoadImageStack.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function R = rtsLoadImageStack(directoryName)
  2 +
  3 +fileList = dir(directoryName);
  4 +fileList = fileList(3:length(fileList));
  5 +
  6 +nFiles = length(fileList);
  7 +
  8 +%enable the progress bar
  9 +gui_active(1);
  10 +h = progressbar([], 0, ['Loading ' num2str(nFiles) ' Images...'], 'Load Stack');
  11 +
  12 +
  13 +%load each file into a volume
  14 +for i=1:nFiles
  15 + fileName = [directoryName '\' fileList(i).name];
  16 + image = imread(fileName);
  17 +
  18 + %allocate space
  19 + if i == 1
  20 + R = zeros(size(image, 1), size(image, 2), nFiles, 'uint8');
  21 + end
  22 + R(:, :, i) = image(:, :, 1);
  23 +
  24 + h = progressbar(h, 1/(nFiles));
  25 + if ~gui_active
  26 + progressbar(h, -1);
  27 + break;
  28 + end
  29 +end
  30 +
  31 +progressbar(h, -1);
  32 +
  33 +
matlab/rtsMaskReconstruct.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function I = rtsMaskReconstruct(data, mask, fillVal)
  2 +
  3 +%This function reconstructs an array of data created from a mask
  4 +% data = a VxD matrix, where D = positions and V = values
  5 +% mask = a binary image with D nonzero values
  6 +
  7 +%compute the number of values at each pixel
  8 +nV = size(data, 1);
  9 +
  10 +%allocate space
  11 +nX = size(mask, 1);
  12 +nY = size(mask, 2);
  13 +I = ones(nV, nX*nY) * fillVal;
  14 +
  15 +d=1;
  16 +%for each position
  17 +for p = 1:nX*nY
  18 +
  19 + %if the mask value at the position is true, copy values
  20 + if(mask(p) && d < size(data, 2))
  21 + I(:, p) = data(:, d);
  22 +
  23 + %increment the data pointer
  24 + d = d + 1;
  25 +
  26 + %if the mask value at the position is zero, set all values to zero
  27 + else
  28 + I(:, p) = ones(nV, 1) * fillVal;
  29 + end
  30 +
  31 +end
  32 +
  33 +%reshape the array into an image
  34 +I = reshape(I', [nX nY nV]);
  35 +
matlab/rtsMonteCarloSphere.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function S = rtsMonteCarloSphere(sqrtN, startAngle, endAngle)
  2 +
  3 +%allocate space for the samples
  4 +S = zeros(sqrtN^2, 2);
  5 +
  6 +if sqrtN == 1
  7 + S = [0 0];
  8 + return;
  9 +end
  10 +cosStart = cos(startAngle);
  11 +cosEnd = cos(endAngle);
  12 +
  13 +i=1; % array index
  14 +oneoverN = 1.0/sqrtN;
  15 +for a = 0:sqrtN-1
  16 + for b = 0:sqrtN-1
  17 + %generate unbiased distribution of spherical coords
  18 + U1 = rand(1, 1);
  19 + U2 = rand(1, 1);
  20 + %x = 1.0 - (a + U1) * oneoverN * (1.0 - cosEnd)
  21 + x = cosStart - (a + U1) * oneoverN * (1.0 - cosEnd);
  22 + y = (b + U2) * oneoverN;
  23 + theta = acos(x);
  24 + phi = 2.0 * pi * y;
  25 + S(i, 1) = theta;
  26 + S(i, 2) = phi;
  27 + i = i+1;
  28 + end
  29 +end
matlab/rtsOffsetPlots.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function R = rtsOffsetPlots(D, s)
  2 +%This function offsets a series of plots in D by intervals of s
  3 +%R = the resulting offset data
  4 +%D = the data as a 2D matrix
  5 +%s = the interval used as an offset
  6 +
  7 + nPlots = size(D, 2);
  8 +
  9 + offsetMat = repmat(1:nPlots, size(D, 1), 1) * s;
  10 +
  11 + R = D + offsetMat;
0 \ No newline at end of file 12 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsRAW2Images.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function rtsRAW2Images(source, destination_directory)
  2 +
  3 +for i=1:size(source, 3)
  4 + filename = [destination_directory '\' rtsInt2Str(i, 4) '.bmp'];
  5 + imwrite(source(:, :, i)', filename);
  6 + disp(filename);
  7 +end
  8 +
0 \ No newline at end of file 9 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsROC.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function [ROC, AUC, T] = rtsROC(thresholds, class)
  2 +
  3 +%Computes the ROC curves given a set of thresholds and class assignments
  4 +% class = boolean array describing actual class membership
  5 +% thresholds = threshold values for class assignment
  6 +% ROC = ROC curve as column vectors (1 = 1-specificity, 2 = sensitivity)
  7 +% AUC = area under the ROC curve computed using the trapezoid method
  8 +% T = threshold values associated with each 1-specificity value
  9 +
  10 +nValues = length(thresholds);
  11 +ROC = zeros(nValues, 2);
  12 +
  13 +%sort both arrays
  14 +[T, ix] = sort(thresholds, 'descend');
  15 +C = class(ix);
  16 +
  17 +%compute the necessary global values
  18 +P = nnz(class);
  19 +N = nValues - P;
  20 +
  21 +for i = 1:nValues
  22 + TP = nnz(C(1:i));
  23 + sensitivity = TP/P;
  24 +
  25 + FP = i - TP;
  26 + FPR = FP/N;
  27 + specificity = 1 - FPR;
  28 +
  29 + ROC(i, 1) = 1 - specificity;
  30 + ROC(i, 2) = sensitivity;
  31 +end
  32 +
  33 +AUC = trapz(ROC(:, 1), ROC(:, 2));
  34 +
  35 +
0 \ No newline at end of file 36 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsRandomizeMask.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function R = rtsRandomizeMask(mask, N)
  2 +
  3 +%error checking
  4 +if N > nnz(mask)
  5 + N = nnz(mask);
  6 +end
  7 +
  8 +if N < 0
  9 + N = 0;
  10 +end
  11 +
  12 +%get the indices of all nonzero values in the mask
  13 +ind = find(mask);
  14 +
  15 +%randomize the indices
  16 +rind = ind(randperm(size(ind, 1)));
  17 +
  18 +%create the new randomized mask (random subset of the old mask)
  19 +R = zeros(size(mask));
  20 +R(rind(1:N)) = 1;
  21 +
  22 +R = R > 0;
0 \ No newline at end of file 23 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/rtsSaveRAW.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function rtsSaveRAW(data, filename, type, endian)
  2 +%Loads a RAW image file.
  3 +%LoadRAW(filename, x, y, z, c, type) returns a [CxXxYxZ] array representing
  4 +%RAW data loaded from disk. 'type' defines the data type to be loaded (ex.
  5 +%'uint8'. 'endian' defines the byte order: 'b' = big endian, 'l' = little
  6 +%endian.
  7 +
  8 +file_id = fopen(filename, 'w', endian);
  9 +vol = zeros(size(data, 1), size(data, 2), size(data, 3), size(data, 4));
  10 +vol(:) = fwrite(file_id, data, type);
  11 +fclose(file_id);
0 \ No newline at end of file 12 \ No newline at end of file
matlab/stimBrewerColormap.m 0 → 100644
  1 +function result = stimBrewerColormap(R)
  2 +
  3 +%returns a Brewer colormap with the specified resolution R
  4 +
  5 +ctrlPts = zeros(11, 3);
  6 +
  7 +ctrlPts(1, :) = [0.192157, 0.211765, 0.584314];
  8 +ctrlPts(2, :) = [0.270588, 0.458824, 0.705882];
  9 +ctrlPts(3, :) = [0.454902, 0.678431, 0.819608];
  10 +ctrlPts(4, :) = [0.670588, 0.85098, 0.913725];
  11 +ctrlPts(5, :) = [0.878431, 0.952941, 0.972549];
  12 +ctrlPts(6, :) = [1, 1, 0.74902];
  13 +ctrlPts(7, :) = [0.996078, 0.878431, 0.564706];
  14 +ctrlPts(8, :) = [0.992157, 0.682353, 0.380392];
  15 +ctrlPts(9, :) = [0.956863, 0.427451, 0.262745];
  16 +ctrlPts(10, :) = [0.843137, 0.188235, 0.152941];
  17 +ctrlPts(11, :) = [0.647059, 0, 0.14902];
  18 +
  19 +X = 1:11;
  20 +
  21 +r = 1:11/R:11;
  22 +
  23 +R = interp1(X, ctrlPts(:, 1), r);
  24 +G = interp1(X, ctrlPts(:, 2), r);
  25 +B = interp1(X, ctrlPts(:, 3), r);
  26 +
  27 +result = [R' G' B'];
  28 +