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Order of "output.lyr" parameters.

The wavenumber in free space: k0 double 8B
The direction of propogation: d double*2 16B
The refractive index in the first layer: n[0] complex 16B

for i in LAYERS:
z positions[i]: z[i] double 8B * LAYERS
z-component of propogation directions: sz[i] complex 16B * LAYERS
Transmission: Ptx[i] complex 16B * LAYERS
Transmission: Pty[i] complex 16B * LAYERS
Transmission: Ptz[i] complex 16B * LAYERS
Reflection: Prx[i] complex 16B * LAYERS
Transmission: Pry[i] complex 16B * LAYERS
Transmission: Prz[i] complex 16B * LAYERS

All parameters we need will be:
15 * LAYERS + 5