test_main - Copy.cpp 1.39 KB
#include <stim/image/image.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <stim/visualization/colormap.h>
#include <stim/image/image_contour_detection.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stim/visualization/colormap.h>

/// calculate the mPb given a multi-channel image

int main()
	stim::image<float> img;                             // generate an image object
	//stim::image<float> img_r; 

	//img.load("slice00_500_500.bmp");					// load the input image
	img.load("101087_square.bmp");					// load the input image
	img = img.channel(0);                               // get the first channel of black-and-white image

	unsigned int w = img.width();		 // get the width of picture
	unsigned int h = img.height();       // get the height of picture
	int c = img.channels();              // get the number if channels of picture
	int s = 3;						     // set the number of scales

	//img_r = img.rotate(45, w/2, h/2);
	//stim::cpu2image(img_r.data(), "data_output/rotate_0915.bmp", w, h, stim::cmBrewer);  

	int r[3] = {3,5,10};                 // set an array of radii for different scaled discs(filters) 
	float alpha[3] = {1,1,1};            // set an array of weights for different scaled discs(filters)
	unsigned int theta_n = 8;			 // set the number of angles used for computing the gradient

	stim::image<float> mPb;							// allocate the space for mPb
	mPb = func_mPb(img, theta_n, r, alpha, s);      // calculate the mPb

	return 0;
