ivote3_update_rmax.m 10.5 KB

disp('***************** NEW RUN *********************');
total = tic;
% ******* Initialize voting parameters **************************************
rmax = [15 15 15];		%maximum radius of the cell
rmin = [1 1 1];	
ang_deg = 25.1;		%half the angular range of the voting area
ang = ang_deg * pi / 180;
iter = 8 ;	%number of voting iterations
t0 = 1;
sigma = [5, 5, 5];
% t = 0.1;
d_ang= ang / (iter+2);
% ******** Testing parameters ******************************************
% p = [50, 50, 150];
% ps = [400, 400, 200];
% % ps = [100, 50, 40];
% % I = syn_Img(rmax , ps);
% volfile = 'nissl-rat.vol';
% fid = fopen(volfile); % open the file that include the image
% S = fread(fid, 3, 'int32');
% X = S(1);
% Y = S(2);
% Z = S(3);
filename = '128-128-128/nissl-float-128.128.128.vol'; %'nissl-float-128.128.128.vol';
X = 128;
Y = 128;
Z = 128;
fidi = fopen(filename);
% load the VOL data into a 2D matrix
I = fread(fidi,[X Y*Z], 'single');
%change this to a 3D matrix
I = (reshape(I, [X, Y, Z]));
% invert the intensity
I = (255 - I);

%perform a gaussian blur
Iblur = gauss_blur3d(I, sigma);
% Iblur = I;
% %crop out a small subregion of I and Iblur
% Iblur = Iblur(p(1):p(1)+ps(1)-1, p(2):p(2)+ps(2)-1, p(3):p(3)+ps(3)-1);
% I = I(p(1):p(1)+ps(1)-1, p(2):p(2)+ps(2)-1, p(3):p(3)+ps(3)-1);
% compute the gradient
[Igrad_y, Igrad_x, Igrad_z] = gradient(Iblur);

%calculate the gradient magnitude
Imag = sqrt(Igrad_x .^ 2 + Igrad_y .^ 2 + Igrad_z .^2);
Isize = size(I);

% h  = reshape(Imag, [X*Y*Z, 1]);
% hist(h, 100);

%set a threshold for the gradient magnitude
It = Imag > t0;
fidt = fopen('128-128-128/It.vol', 'w');
fwrite(fidt, It, 'single');
%Set the boundaries of the threshold image to zero
It(1:rmax(1), :, :) = 0;
It(X - rmax(1):X, :,:) = 0;
It(:, 1:rmax(2), :) = 0;
It(:, Y - rmax(2):Y,:) = 0;
It(:, :, 1:rmax(3)) = 0;
It(:,:, Z - rmax(3):Z) = 0;

%get the indices of all of the nonzero values in the threshold image
%   (voter positions)
[Itx,Ity,Itz] = ind2sub(size(It),find(It));
Vi =(find(It));
nV = nnz(It)
% create a meshgrid describing coordinates relative to the voter position
rangex = -rmax(1):rmax(1);                                 %create an array of values between -rmax and rmax
rangey = -rmax(2):rmax(2);    
rangez = -rmax(3):rmax(3);    
[mx, my, mz] = meshgrid(rangex, rangey, rangez);       %create a template describing local pixel position in a small cube
m_mag = (sqrt(mx.^2 + my.^2 + mz.^2));                %create a template describing the distance from the center of a small cube

% create a mask for the voting area
% M_dist = (mx.^2/rmax(1)^2 + my.^2/rmax(2)^2 + mz.^2/rmax(3)^2)   <= 1 ;                             %mask for the voting area distance (all values < rmax from the center)
% M_dist2 = (mx.^2/rmin(1)^2 + my.^2/rmin(2)^2 + mz.^2/rmin(3)^2)   >= 1 ;      
% M_dist = M_dist1 .* M_dist2;
% calculate the direction vector between a pixel and voter
LV_x = mx./m_mag;
LV_y = my./m_mag;
LV_z = mz./m_mag;
update_rx = zeros(Isize);
update_rx(:) = rmax(1);
update_ry = zeros(Isize);
update_ry(:) = rmax(2);
update_rz = zeros(Isize);
update_rz(:) = rmax(3);
%number of pixels in the voting area of each voter (initialize to zero)
validPixels = (zeros(nV,1)); 
%indices of pixels in the voting area of each voter
%   indices reference the 3D image
g_v_prime = zeros(nV, ceil(rmax(1)*rmax(2)*rmax(3)*ang));

% vote
mask = zeros(Isize);
mask1 = zeros(Isize);

%for each iteration (in iterative voting)
for itr = 1 :2

	%initialize the vote image to zero
	Ivote = zeros(Isize);
	%for each voter (nonzero pixels in the threshold image It)
	for v = 1: nV
		%get the cartesian coordinates of the voter v in the main image I
		vx = Itx(v);
		vy = Ity(v);
		vz = Itz(v);
		vi = Vi(v);
		%retreive the gradient magnitude at the voter position
		vmag = Imag(vi);
		%retrieve the gradient
		gx = Igrad_x(vi);
		gy = Igrad_y(vi);
		gz = Igrad_z(vi);
		%calculate the gradient magnitude
		dmag = sqrt (gx^2 + gy^2 + gz^2);
% 		%calculate the normalized gradient direction
		dx = gx / dmag;
		dy = gy / dmag;
		dz = gz / dmag;
		rx = update_rx(vi);
		ry = update_ry(vi);
		rz = update_rz(vi);
		mx_v = mx(rmax(1)-rx+1:rmax(1)-rx+2*rx+1, rmax(2)-ry+1:rmax(2)-ry+2*ry+1, rmax(3)-rz+1:rmax(3)-rz+2*rz+1);
		my_v = my(rmax(1)-rx+1:rmax(1)-rx+2*rx+1, rmax(2)-ry+1:rmax(2)-ry+2*ry+1, rmax(3)-rz+1:rmax(3)-rz+2*rz+1);
		mz_v = mz(rmax(1)-rx+1:rmax(1)-rx+2*rx+1, rmax(2)-ry+1:rmax(2)-ry+2*ry+1, rmax(3)-rz+1:rmax(3)-rz+2*rz+1);
		M_dist = (mx_v.^2/rx^2 + my_v.^2/ry^2 + mz_v.^2/rz^2)   <= 1 ;
		LV_x_v = LV_x(rmax(1)-rx+1:rmax(1)-rx+2*rx+1, rmax(2)-ry+1:rmax(2)-ry+2*ry+1, rmax(3)-rz+1:rmax(3)-rz+2*rz+1);
		LV_y_v = LV_y(rmax(1)-rx+1:rmax(1)-rx+2*rx+1, rmax(2)-ry+1:rmax(2)-ry+2*ry+1, rmax(3)-rz+1:rmax(3)-rz+2*rz+1);
		LV_z_v = LV_z(rmax(1)-rx+1:rmax(1)-rx+2*rx+1, rmax(2)-ry+1:rmax(2)-ry+2*ry+1, rmax(3)-rz+1:rmax(3)-rz+2*rz+1);
		%calculate the angle between the voter direction and the pixel direction
		cos_diff = (LV_x_v .* dx + LV_y_v .* dy + LV_z_v .* dz);
		%create an angular mask for the voting area
		M_angle = cos_diff >= cos(ang);

		%combine the two masks to mask out the voting angle
		M = M_angle.* M_dist;		

		% get the coordinates of each pixel in the final voter mask M
		pi = find(M);
		%calculate the number of pixels in the voting region
		npts =  nnz(M);
		validPixels(v) = npts; 

		%convert every index in the voting area from a local 3D index to a global 3D index (into the original image I)
		global_px = vx + mx_v(pi);
		global_py = vy + my_v(pi);
		global_pz = vz + mz_v(pi);
		%convert the global 3D index of each point into a global 1D index
		global_pi = sub2ind(Isize, global_px, global_py, global_pz);

		g_v_prime (v, 1:npts) = global_pi;

		Ivote( global_pi ) = Ivote( global_pi ) + vmag;
% 		if itr ==3
% 			if mod(v, 5000)==0
% 				mask(global_pi)= mask(global_pi) + 0.1;
% 				mask (vi) = mask(vi) + 0.5;
% 			end
% 		end
% 		if itr ==6
% 			if mod(v, 5000)==0
% 				mask1(global_pi)= mask1(global_pi) + 0.1;
% 				mask1 (vi) = mask1(vi) + 0.5;
% 			end
% 		end
% 		if itr==1
% 			for ix = -12:12
% 				for iy = -12:12
% 					for iz = -12:12
% 						mask(vx+ix, vy+iy, vz+iz) = M(ix+13,iy+13,iz+13)+ mask(vx+ix, vy+iy, vz+iz);
% 					end
% 				end
% 			end
% 		end
% 		if itr==2
% 			for ix = -12:12
% 				for iy = -12:12
% 					for iz = -12:12
% 						mask1(vx+ix, vy+iy, vz+iz) = M(ix+13,iy+13,iz+13)+ mask1(vx+ix, vy+iy, vz+iz);
% 					end
% 				end
% 			end
% 		end

 	fid = fopen(sprintf('std5.5-r10.10-v8-update-rmax/vote%d',itr), 'w');
	fwrite(fid, single(Ivote), '*single');
%  	if itr ==1
% 		fid = fopen(sprintf('check vote/00-nissl-vote%d.vol',itr), 'w');
% 		fwrite(fid, single(Ivote), '*single');
% 		fclose(fid);
% 	end
% 	if itr ==3
% 		fid = fopen(sprintf('128-128-128/00-nissl-vote%d.vol',itr), 'w');
% 		fwrite(fid, single(Ivote), '*single');
% 		fclose(fid);
% 		Ivote8 = (Ivote);
% 	end
% 	if itr ==9
% 		fid = fopen(sprintf('128-128-128/00-nissl-vote%d.vol',itr), 'w');
% 		fwrite(fid, single(Ivote), '*single');
% 		fclose(fid);
% 	end
% 	if itr ==10
% 		fid = fopen(sprintf('128-128-128/00-nissl-vote%d.vol',itr), 'w');
% 		fwrite(fid, single(Ivote), '*single');
% 		fclose(fid);
% 	end
% 		Ivote1 = single(Ivote);
% 		fwrite(fid, Ivote1, '*single');
% 	elseif itr ==2
% 		Ivote2 = single(Ivote);
% 		fwrite(fid, Ivote2, '*single');
% 	elseif itr ==3
% 		Ivote3 = single(Ivote);
% 		fwrite(fid, Ivote3, '*single');
% 	elseif itr ==4
% 		Ivote4 = single(Ivote);
% 		fwrite(fid, Ivote4, '*single');
% 	elseif itr == 5
% 		Ivote5 = single(Ivote);
% 		fwrite(fid, Ivote5, '*single');
% 	elseif itr == 6
% 		fwrite(fid, single(Ivote), '*single');
% 	elseif itr == 7
% 		fwrite(fid, single(Ivote), '*single');
% 	elseif itr == 8
% 		fwrite(fid, single(Ivote), '*single');
% 	elseif itr == 9
% 		fwrite(fid, single(Ivote), '*single');
% 	end
	t_v1 = toc;   
	disp(['voting done.  time =',num2str(t_v1)]);
	% update the voting direction
	if ang>=d_ang
		Igrad_x = zeros(Isize);
		Igrad_y = zeros(Isize);
		Igrad_z = zeros(Isize);
		nrv = zeros;
		for v = 1: nV
			% coordinates of the current voter
			vx = Itx(v);
			vy = Ity(v);
			vz = Itz(v);
			if (validPixels(v)>0)

				%get the local value of the voting image
				local_Ivote = Ivote(g_v_prime(v,1:validPixels(v)));

				%find the index of the maximum value
				[~, local_max_idx] = max(local_Ivote);

				%convert this into a global subscript
				[g_px, g_py, g_pz] = ind2sub(size(Ivote), g_v_prime(v,local_max_idx));

				%compute the vector from the voter position to this position

				Igrad_x(vx, vy, vz) = g_px - vx ;
				Igrad_y(vx, vy, vz) = g_py - vy;
				Igrad_z(vx, vy, vz) = g_pz - vz;
				update_rx(vx,vy,vz) = 2 * abs(g_px - vx);
				update_ry(vx,vy,vz) = 2 * abs(g_py - vy);
				update_rz(vx,vy,vz) = 2 * abs(g_pz - vz);
				nrv(vv) = v;
		ni = nnz(nrv);
		if ni>0
			for j=1:ni
				It(Itx(nrv(j)), Ity(nrv(j)), Itz(nrv(j)))=0;
			clear Itx; clear Ity; clear Itz;
			[Itx,Ity,Itz] = ind2sub(size(It),find(It));
			Vi =(find(It));
			nV = nnz(It)
	update_rx(update_rx>rmax(1)) = rmax(1);
	update_ry(update_ry>rmax(2)) = rmax(2);
	update_rz(update_rz>rmax(3)) = rmax(3);
	tdir1 = toc;
	display (['updating dir done.  time = ', num2str(tdir1)]);
	ang = ang - d_ang;
hv  = reshape(Ivote, [X*Y*Z, 1]);
hist(hv, 250);
t = 0;
conn = [5 5 5];
Icenter = local_max(Ivote, conn, t);
fidc = fopen(sprintf('std5.5-r10.10-v8-update-rmax/out%d-t%d.vol',t,t0), 'w');
fwrite(fidc, single(Icenter), '*single');
% [cxx1, cyy1, czz1] = ind2sub(size(Icenter),find(Icenter));

% % center = Ivote1;
% % center(center<t) = 0;
% % center = imregionalmax(center);
% % cn = nnz(center);
% % [cx, cy, cz] = ind2sub(size(center), find(center));
% % Icenter = zeros(size(center));
% % for cc =1:cn
% % 	Icenter(cx(cc), cy(cc), cz(cc)) = 255;
% % end
% % fid_Ic = fopen('image_center2-300.vol', 'w');
% % fwrite(fid_Ic, Icenter);
% % fclose(fid_Ic);
% cn = nnz(Icenter);
% [cx, cy, cz] = ind2sub(size(Icenter), find(Icenter));
% Ic2d = zeros(size(Icenter,1), size(Icenter,2));
% for cc =1:cn
% 	Ic2d(cx(cc), cy(cc)) = 1;
% end
% I2d = max(I, [], 3);
% % figure(1),imagesc(I2d); colormap(gray);
% % figure(2),imagesc(Ic2d); colormap(gray);
% %
% out1(:,:,1) = mat2gray(I2d);
% out1(:,:,2) = mat2gray(Ic2d);
% out1(:,:,3) = mat2gray(I2d);
% figure(1), imagesc((out1));
%%% % imwrite(mat2gray(c2d), 'vote.bmp');
% figure(1); imagesc(squeeze(I(:,:,ceil(size(I,3)/2)))), colormap(gray);
%  figure(33); imagesc(squeeze(Ivote3(:,:,ceil(size(Ivote,3)/2)))), colormap(gray);