Issue #1 · created by Pavel Govyadinov ·

CMake file

Issue with the FindGLEW.cmake file.

When searching for GLEW, cmake looks in ($GLEW_LOCATION)/lib On Windows the ACTUAL location of the glew library is ($GLEW_LOCATION)/lib/Release/x64 resulting in cmake failing to find the GLEW library at it's default location.

Jack and I fixed this in commit a4aa963c7b80527b41d85d9cf4816d82dbfcfc92 however this will only work on 64 bit systems. Should we worry about 32 bit systems in the CMake?

Also this should be propagate in to the rest of the FindGLEW.cmake files in other projects.

2 participants
  • 2695920
    David Mayerich @dmayerich

    I see. It looks like you set it up to work the old way and the correct way. I'm not sure what happened - they may have changed how GLEW was packaged.

    In any case, no don't worry about 32-bit code. It won't work in this case anyway because CUDA is used and it requires a 64-bit build.

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  • D80f4a31f180738f8965c794d81b8198?s=40&d=identicon Pavel Govyadinov @pgovyadi

    Status changed to closed

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